Criminal Justice Research Paper

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What is justice? Merriam-Webster defines justice as the quality of being just, impartial, or fair questioned the justice of their decision the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action conformity to this principle or ideal: righteousness the justice of their cause the quality of conforming to law ( Justice is also seen as an idea that is mixed between law and morality John Rawls states that justice is the "first virtue of social institutions". (John Rawls Disruptive justice) He states that justice is best accepted by a grasp of the principles of justice which are expected to represent the moral basis political government. (Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy). These concepts specify that humans need liberty …show more content…
This original position is a theoretical situation where no one has any benefit over another individual. I find the veil of ignorance very intriguing. Behind this veil, all individuals are defined as rational, free and equal beings in society. Individuals do not know anything of themselves, of their natural capacity, or of their set position in the society they live in. Individuals have no idea of their sex, race, nationality, or individual tastes. Would they choose differently if they weren't aware of these things? Would their society be less judgmental? I believe so they will, I cannot know for certain if they will, but I do know that if I could choose I would choose differently. I believe they would make choices about their lives that would assume a strategy that would widen the esteem of the middle class and make society a more-balanced society. According to Rawls, the people in the original position, behind the veil of ignorance, would assume principles that would oversee the task of rights and duties and control the distribution of social and economic lead in society. Rawls diversity principle allows diversity in the distribution of goods when the states diversity benefit the poor of the …show more content…
When you hear someone from another country talk about the United States they are saying that it is a great country to live in. Since it is such a great country why something as crucial as health care is considered as luxury. With our country being so rich, and a country that helps build other nations, it is sad that we as citizens are punished on who gets better health care depending on how much money an individual has. The United States has one of the worst health care systems in the world. As for other countries we are the only country without a universal health care system and our citizenship does not include health care as a right. In the United States, we receive our health insurance through an employee plan or we purchase our own insurance that includes high surcharge also high deductibles for a basic plan. I understand that a person who cannot afford to pay the surcharge that includes in having private insurance it can make you feel like you are stuck in an arduous situation. People know they need insurance, because when something happens that requires you to use it how

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