"I shall be just fine Caroline. There is no need to worry,"
Caroline smiled softly. She slip into the room, and blew out the candle, leaving Ginny in the darkness she desired. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to slip into the world of dreams.
She was on a horse, sprinting through the winds. The winds, however, were no match for the horse's speed. Ginny realized the horse was going too fast, and tried to slow the horse down. Nothing she did worked. She looked at her horse. It was a pure white mare, the sun glistening off its pure coat. It legs were strong and muscular. Ginny could see that the horse was used to running fast.
She heard hoof beats, thundering, pounding hoof beats, coming from behind her. She glanced behind her to see a glimmering black stallion riding after her. The horse's steps left dents in the ground and echoed across the oepn plains. Seated on the horse was a rider drapped in red. The rider's hair flowed out behind her, and the rider's dress shone like fresh spilt blood. The rider was Abigail. "You worthless scum! You traitor! You blasted idiot!" Abgail cried, urging her mount faster. Ginny turned her horse and led her through several twists and turns, hoping to lose Abigail. Abigail, however, stayed right behind her, the distance between the two horses only getting smaller. Soon the black stallion was next to Ginny and Ginny saw Abigail's merciless grin. Ginny let out a scream as Abigail grabbed her shoulder and shoved her off her horse. She fell in slow motion, the fall seeming to never end. She tumbled through the air, feeling her hair flying, and her body being whipped about. Then she hit the ground with an echoing crash. The crash echoed on and on, echoing into the obilivion. Ginny looked up to see Abigail's horse treading towards her. Abigail smiled as her horse ran over Ginny's ankle, trampling it. Ginny sat up panting and gasping for breath. It had only been a dream; a lifelike dream, but nonetheless a …show more content…
She squinted, trying to adjust herself to the new light. Confusions settled over her. Where wsa the light coming from? She slowly glanced around the room and saw Stephen, sitting in his white polka dot chair.
"Stephen, what are you doing?" Ginny asked, rubbing the remnents of her dream from her eyes.
"Reading," Stephen said, not looking up. "I am sorry if I woke you."
"It is fine Stephen."
"Have you been reading A Summary View of the Rights of British America?"
"I have. I found it quite intersesting," Ginny paused, thinking for a moment. "It actually sparked a question. Can I ask it Steph?"
"Go ahead Gin," Stephen replied, again not looking up.
"What do you think of this looming rain cloud called that is hanging over our head, waiting for the right moment to pour?"
Stephen glanced at the page number of his book and set it down. He looked over at Ginny. "Now that is an intersting subject Gin, I could talk about that for quite some time."
"Well, what side do you believe is right?"
"I cannot say, I do not believe I am on either