The Statue of Zeus One of the most mysterious structures in the world lies in ruins in Olympia, Greece. Near Mount Olympia lies the Statue of Zeus, it was once in the Temple of Zeus. Upon completion it stood forty-three feet tall, with shining, white ivory. The throne of the statue was mainly composed of wooden frames that were outlined with gold. The statue was made in 430 BC, and was completed in 422 BC, it took eight years to build. Some people that helped were stone masons and architects, most historians believe that the Greeks used pulleys to build it. But there were other tools they …show more content…
The original architect, Phidias, was put into prison once rumors about him started spreading. So then another architect named Libon completed the structure. Years later the statue was damaged by an earthquake, and eventually was burned to the ground, and was never rebuilt.
The Temple of Artemis Near the site of Ephesus lies the Temple of Artemis, it stood about sixty-two feet tall, the ruins are now by the Selcuk Cemetery. Even though Artemis is a Greek goddess, her temple is in Turkey. The reason why it’s located in Turkey is because when the Greek Empire was expanding, they took over part of Turkey for a short period of time. During the Greek's control over Turkey, they decided to build a temple for their goddess, Artemis. The temple had been built around 800 BC, nobody really knows how long it took to complete construction, but we do know that the temple was built by Chersiphron. Architects and stone masons were some people that helped build the temple, the main tools that were used were molds, which shaped the pillars. Since the people that built it used Greek tools, similar equipment that was used for the Statue of Zeus was also used for the construction of the temple. Historians believe that other tools were used in the process of the construction of the