Comparing The Roaring 20's, And The Great Depression

Improved Essays
WW1, Roaring 20’s, and the Great Depression is what I am going to talk about. Also comparing our time to it, how it affect us today, and does it still exist in our world. This will also include what I have learned and maybe have some similarities and differences. Maybe I will put or say a question in this final about this and that. Examples, ideas, main idea, and maybe some information will be included. WW1 is where our big first war between countries and maybe states were in battle on 1914-1918. Some Americans wanted to join for our allies because they are our trade buddies and some didn’t because we will lose more people and they don’t want their child to experience what they have gone through. Russia had another problem then the war and they had to go back to their home. America has lost a lot of people during ww1 and they do not want to go to another war.Today we don’t have war, but maybe it’ll happen in the future. The roaring 20’s was where things were invented, bad, and people changing. In the 20’s it included technology, sports, prohibition, the jazz age, and woman in the 1920’s. Today’s technology is better than the one’s in the past and we build up our minds to get better technology. Even though some technology were useful back in the days including, radio, T.V., …show more content…
Why did the Americans join ww1 and they should’ve known that it was going to be bad. Altogether I have learned that the world still needs more work and all of the things I have talked about are America’s history. The history of us today is better than the 1920’s and I would say that we have improved a lot. The great depression and alcoholic beverages is not big of a problem today because we can handle ourselves. There are more differences today than what was in the 1920’s and most of all the USA needs to be greater than before it

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