Comparing Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Salt and Caramel, on their own they are just flavors for the human taste pallet. However, if you put the two flavors together the contrast heightens each one making two plain flavors come alive with body and savory substance. Like the concept of salted caramel, history and literature work on the same juxtaposed concept because to explore both the depths of history and literature you must contrast one with the understanding of the other. Steinbeck, a novelist who wrote prolific works like The Grapes of Rather and Of Mice and Men, has shown both fields the importance of knowing the other’s respective disciplines. One work in particular, The Winter of our Discontent, shows the historical change between the 1950’s and the 1960’s. Therefore, readers …show more content…
Isserman and Kazin argue that rising feminist in the 1960 rejected the stereo type that should just “be content to bake bread and have sex with her old man”. Reading a secondary source like this about feminism does not describe the amount of fever and passion, these women displayed against the unjust chains of women’s gender roles. Sometimes primary and secondary sources fell to convey the emotional thoughts of the time. Literature, furthermore, can expand and enlighten us on the passions of the time. Hughes wrought that “in literature …. the emotions, speculations, passions, and convictions are what must be recovered”. Mary’s character helps expand our knowledge of the time. She not only embodies the reasons why the feminist movement was fighting for equality, but also her character explores the emotional toll of trying to fit the perfect homemaker mold. For feminist of the 1960’s, Mary was the type of woman they were trying to escape. On the outside, Mary looked like the perfect supportive wife, but deep down inside she was very discontent with her lot in life. Mary’s lust for Ethan to gain power shows how discontent she was with her life. As a woman, Mary was beginning to test her gender role, explicitly telling her husband that the “ money would wipe the sneers off the faces of you holy la-de-das.” Doing this she broke down the idea that a woman was only supposed to set placidly by and not care about the world around her. Mary’s conviction about her lot in life shows the reluctance of women wanting to conform to gender roles. In addition, Mary’s burning desires of wanting to be the perfect wife even while sick shows how ingrained the ideas of genders roles were into women of the time. Although, Mary does not exactly fit the idea of a feminist in the 1960s, she gives readers the understanding of why feminist had the emotions they did. Feminist did not

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