Comparing Maus II: Here My Troubles Began And Night

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There are many authors that express their feelings of certain experiences such as the Holocaust through their writing. Many of these authors often write their stories and these experiences they faced and these two authors are no exception. These two authors are Elie Wiesel and Art Spiegelman. These two authors both write books based on the Holocaust and the names of these novels are Maus II: Here My Troubles Began and Night. Besides the fact that these are two amazing novels one may have a greater impact compared to the other. The book that has the greater impact compared to the other is Night. Many may argue and say Spiegelman has had a greater impact but these are some reasons why those claims are not true and one to start this off is the fact that Spiegelman himself did not experience this first-hand and Wiesel did. …show more content…
Due to the fact that Wiesel has experienced this first-hand this therefore includes more emotion to this sense of writing. With Night being written as a memoir we are given the information he knew then and how he felt during this time. Writing a memoir is the best form of writing for this sort of novel because it helps the reader feel connected to the author. This is the case because the readers are given information about the novel as the author himself finds out and an example of this is when Wiesel finds out the girl in the camp actually spoke German and she was Jewish (Wiesel

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