654), he sounds as if he is describing nature and how nature dies but then she returns. Even though he talks a great deal about nature in this poem the actual meaning is quite different. In this poem he is basically describing how people don’t stay young and innocent forever. He describes how the young get older and become less pure as they were and that even after death there is always rebirth of a newer person. The entirety of this poem is that he referring to when people are born they eventually die and when they die someone else is born to take their place. The line that says, “Nature's first green is gold”, (p.654, Line 1), actually means that to be young is the greatest in the world. Green in this line is referring to the birth of a new person and gold in this sentence is basically describing a newborn. In the next line he is actually saying that to be young is to be innocent and pure and that it is extremely difficult to stay this way as people begin to grow older. The third and fourth lines of this poem are also metaphors. In nature everything eventually dies and is quite remembered when it is young and beautiful, but as time goes by the leaves die and become brittle and then new leaves are reborn. The entirety of this poem is about life and death cycle of humans. In this poem he uses a lot of metaphors just like “The Road not Taken”, however, he also uses quite a bit of alliteration in this one. The person speaking …show more content…
Another difference is that both poems use iambic tetrameter but in the first poem he stresses only four syllables in each line where he actually only stresses three syllables in each line in the last poem. Another difference is that “The Road not taken” uses a setup of five lines in each of the four stanzas and in “nothing gold can stay” he only writes eight lines with one stanza. Both poems are easily understood, however, “Nothing gold can stay” was a lot easier to understand the real meaning of the poem. “The Road not taken” was short and straight to the point, whereas, “The Road not taken” was longer and it took more words to fully describe what the speaker