Compare And Contrast The New Technology In The Roman And Han Empires

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Throughout history, technology has advanced in many different ways. Since the beginning, we have developed new ways for our civilization to thrive and prosper. New discoveries like iron, water conservation, and salt have made new technologies easier to create new uses for old works in the Han and Roman empires. Though the new technologies were exciting to all people in the Han and Roman empires, they both had different view and how it would assist their civilization. The first civilization that was the Han empire. The Han empire located in China and said to be one of the most sophisticated cultures in its time period. One advance in technology Han had been water conservation. Han struggled with flooding dilemmas in the past situations. A Han government official wrote to local officials concerning flood prevention and suggested that they build walls along rivers would help flood control and it did. Another invention was the pestle and the mortar. Later the pestle and the mortar improved so that the whole body weight could be used, this increased the efficiency in the majority. Then the power of animals, donkeys, mules, oxen, and horses was added. Also, water power applied and increased in hundredfold. …show more content…
Rome located in modern-day Italy. Like the Han Empire, the Roman Empire was very progressive for its time period. The Roman Empire had roads built through the country without wavering and paved with quarried stone and soils with masses of tightly packed sand. This didn't have much improvement because it was through the country. Rome also built streams that flowed into containers, they would lose their sediment. In effort though, this wasn't that affective because it truly for pleasure. The water was distributed to various regions inside and outside the city, to basins, fountains and public buildings, and to multiple public

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