Rome located in modern-day Italy. Like the Han Empire, the Roman Empire was very progressive for its time period. The Roman Empire had roads built through the country without wavering and paved with quarried stone and soils with masses of tightly packed sand. This didn't have much improvement because it was through the country. Rome also built streams that flowed into containers, they would lose their sediment. In effort though, this wasn't that affective because it truly for pleasure. The water was distributed to various regions inside and outside the city, to basins, fountains and public buildings, and to multiple public
Rome located in modern-day Italy. Like the Han Empire, the Roman Empire was very progressive for its time period. The Roman Empire had roads built through the country without wavering and paved with quarried stone and soils with masses of tightly packed sand. This didn't have much improvement because it was through the country. Rome also built streams that flowed into containers, they would lose their sediment. In effort though, this wasn't that affective because it truly for pleasure. The water was distributed to various regions inside and outside the city, to basins, fountains and public buildings, and to multiple public