Compare And Contrast Japanese American Internment Camps And Concentration Camps

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Many people around the world know about concentration camps and Internment camps. Concentration and Internment camps were apart of the World War II and they served as a place which kept their kind away from the rest of the population. Japanese and Jewish people weren’t accepted in places such as stores and streets, people thought of the removal of them; Jewish people got placed into camps which were located in Germany and other places in Europe. Jewish people in concentration camps faced traumatizing events such as death and hard labor. Japanese-Americans in the United States were placed in Internment camps located in the Southern United States and faced discrimination from other people even in their own homes. Concentration camps were more brutal than the Japanese-American Internment camps. In the concentration camps, Jews were not only treated awfully but were also killed. In concentration camps numerous amounts of people were disturbed by seeing people getting killed right in front of them.
Jewish people in WWII were sent to concentration camps because they were blamed for many things; such as, loss of WWI. When Hitler’s power became stronger, his followers wanted the removal of Jewish people, so they took them to Concentration camps. The article Hidden in Plain Sight
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Edward Mosberg explained that while in the ghetto he was given two rooms to share with his family. Edward also mentioned that his grandparents were taken to a extermination camp and that they also took his aunts and her children. The guards at the camps would separate children from their mothers when the childrens were separated, guards would slam children on to the wall which will kill them instantly. Edward also mentioned that he would see people at the camp and say “Hello” to them, then the next day they would be gone due to them being killed by the guards at the camp. Edward experienced one of

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