It started first when Cyntoia was told by “Kutthroat” who was her boyfriend that she has been slacking on making money and she needed to go out and make him some money. That day is the day that she met Johnny Allen. She went to a local Sonic, and a 43-year-old man, Johnny Allen, and he invited her over to his house for some sexual activity for $150. Once she arrived to his house, he told her how he had been in the army. And, he told her about the guns he had, and she also seen one laying across the bed. At this point, Cyntoia knew that he could kill her at any time and her mom, family, and friends would not know where to find her at. Nor did “Kuttthroat” care about her well-being he was the one who was pimping her out. While they were having sex, he grabbed her in such a way that alarmed her and he reached over the side of the bed and she believed that he was getting a gun to kill her. So, Cyntoia killed him, Johnny before he could kill her. Cyntoia was physically, mentally, and emotionally abused by men and boys since a young child up into her teenage years. She started having sex at the age of 7, she just wanted to be love and accepted. All her life she was searching for love, but she was looking for it in the wrong places. Cyntoia at a young age, found out that she was adopted and her mother gave her up. So, it puzzled her why her mother Georgina did not keep her and did not want her. Cyntoia, never …show more content…
Her family was unstable, which I learned in chapter 7, that non-intact families can lead to juvenile delinquency. Her mother was an ex-crack head, and her grandmother was no better. She was born into this drama, and had no choice but to live her life the best way she knew how. In chapter 7, it also explains that family rejections play a part in juvenile delinquency. For a long time Cyntoia felt that her mom did not love or want her. Once she started feeling rejected, she started searching for that missing void in having sex with whomever, looking for attention and love. Also in this chapter, I know that there are five things that explain child abuse and why theorist believe it happened. Four out of the five explanations apply to Cyntoia, her parent, Georgina was abused as a child and adult, her mother is also mentally ill, she also had a drug and alcohol problem and that was to escape from life situations, and the last one is being a problematic child. Not only did her dysfunctional family help led her down a road of trouble, but also, the location that she lived in. She lived in an area, where there was poverty, it was drug infested, and crime rates were at an all-time high. Which related to Chapter 9, about “birds of a feather flock together”. I was taught at a young age that you are who you