When you compare the the vegetation/chlorophyll levels and surface temperature in the month …show more content…
There isn’t a lot of rain, and the surface temperature is warm enough that an activity could be to go swimming on the edges of the continent. An outfit that would be comfortable in pants or capris with a t-shirt. For September the best place ti visit is Canada because it isn’t too hot and the vegetation is high. A great activity could be hiking, there isn’t a lot of rain, the surface temperature is low and the sun ray levels aren’t too high. In January the best place to travel to is Mexico because it is warm but not hot. If you look at the surface temperature map you will see that it is warm, so you will be able to wear shorts and t-shirts while you are visiting. While you are visiting you can visit the outdoor plazas and maybe even the beaches. In March the best place to visit would be northern Oceana because there isn’t too much rain. Some activities are hiking and swimming. You could wear shorts and tank tops while you visit