America In The 19th Century Essay

Superior Essays
Introduction The United States (The US) got its independence from Britain in the year 1776. The treaty that made it a nation is the Treaty of Paris that was signed in 1783 (Yang 2012). Before the 19th Century, only 13 states were members of the US. However, during the 19th and 20th Centuries, 37 more states became members of the union. The country expanded through North America, acquiring more land than before and more possessions than it originally had. There are two main traumatic experiences that the country has. The first one occurred between 1861 and 1865 whereby the northern and southern states fought. The northern Union states defeated the Confederacy states (slave states) (Yang 2012). The second one is the Great Depression that occurred in 1930 whereby 25% of all the citizens of the country lost their jobs in the economic downturn (Mundi 2015). Nonetheless, there was a recent shakedown of the world’s biggest economy when there occurred another economic downturn between 2007 and 2008. However, it was not as severe as the one of 1930. Following its victories in World War I and II, the US established itself as the world’s most powerful country. The economy of the country has a steady growth with low unemployment rates among its citizens. In addition, the US is the world’s leading technology giant because it is the one that experiences technological advances and innovation. Moreover, the US continues to have low inflation, thereby, ranking it the best economy in the world (Mundi 2015). In essence, the US is the world’s economic and military giant, comparable to none. On the other hand, China has always been the world’s leader in civilization. It has always been comparable to none when it comes to sciences and art. Nonetheless, it faced challenges between the 19th Century and the early 20th Century when the country experienced foreign occupation, military defeats, major famines and civil unrest (Kissinger 2011). When World War II ended, MAO Zedong, the communist leader, ensured that the country was under the socialist system (Harper 2007). The system was a great disadvantage to the country because, while it is a fact that it ensured that China was sovereign, without outside interference and pursued its own economic agenda, it also established strict controls in the everyday lives of the people of China. It cost many lives in the country. After the year 1978, MAO’s successor (DENG Xiaoping) focused his policies on economic development that were market-oriented and by the New Millennium (the year 2000), China’s output had quadrupled (Harper 2007). Over the years, Chinese men, women, and children have experienced a dramatic change. There is more room for personal choice than it was in the beginning, and the living standards of the people continue to improve. However, political controls are still tight. From the year 1990, China’s global participation increased magnificently, and currently, it is the World’s second biggest economic powerhouse after the United States (Kissinger 2011). The economies The US has not only the most powerful technology in the world but also the largest economy in the universe. In fact, it is the economic powerhouse of the whole world with per capita income of over $49,800 (Mundi 2015). The economy is market-oriented with business firms …show more content…
The climatic conditions in China are more diverse than those of the US. China has a subarctic climate in the north and tropical in the south. On the other hand, the US is more or less temperate, considering that Florida and Hawaii are tropical, Alaska is Arctic, and the plains of the Mississippi River are semiarid (Cavalli 2002). According to the July (2014) estimates, the population of the US is 318, 892, 103 while that of China is 1,355,692,576 (Cavalli 2002). Hence, it is clear that China has a very large population, compared to that of the US. In fact, the population of the Republic of China is one of the main drivers of its economy because of the consumption. While it is a fact that the US consumes more resources incomparable to its population, China is also a huge consumer of products and services because of its population. When it comes to urbanization, 82.4% of the total population of the US is urban, compared to only 50.6% of China (Cavalli

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