The climatic conditions in China are more diverse than those of the US. China has a subarctic climate in the north and tropical in the south. On the other hand, the US is more or less temperate, considering that Florida and Hawaii are tropical, Alaska is Arctic, and the plains of the Mississippi River are semiarid (Cavalli 2002). According to the July (2014) estimates, the population of the US is 318, 892, 103 while that of China is 1,355,692,576 (Cavalli 2002). Hence, it is clear that China has a very large population, compared to that of the US. In fact, the population of the Republic of China is one of the main drivers of its economy because of the consumption. While it is a fact that the US consumes more resources incomparable to its population, China is also a huge consumer of products and services because of its population. When it comes to urbanization, 82.4% of the total population of the US is urban, compared to only 50.6% of China (Cavalli
The climatic conditions in China are more diverse than those of the US. China has a subarctic climate in the north and tropical in the south. On the other hand, the US is more or less temperate, considering that Florida and Hawaii are tropical, Alaska is Arctic, and the plains of the Mississippi River are semiarid (Cavalli 2002). According to the July (2014) estimates, the population of the US is 318, 892, 103 while that of China is 1,355,692,576 (Cavalli 2002). Hence, it is clear that China has a very large population, compared to that of the US. In fact, the population of the Republic of China is one of the main drivers of its economy because of the consumption. While it is a fact that the US consumes more resources incomparable to its population, China is also a huge consumer of products and services because of its population. When it comes to urbanization, 82.4% of the total population of the US is urban, compared to only 50.6% of China (Cavalli