Cinderella And The Princess Culture Analysis

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Fairytales’, being around for several generations, have evolved through time and caught the attention of many folklorists, and demands an explanation of how feminism plays an essential role in today 's culture. Folklorist and author, James Poniewozik wrote, “The Princess Paradox” to raise an attempt to explain the “girls-kick-ass culture” (323). Peggy Orenstein published, “Cinderella and the Princess Culture” to examine and identify the belief of feminism within fairytales. Even though two different authors studied and evaluated the same topic, being feminism in fairytales, their approaches and conclusions on the topic tend to differentiate slightly, but also come to an agreeance in other areas.
Firstly, Poniewozik shows his concern about
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“She should be pretty, but as a class president way, not a head-cheerleader way… be able to stand up for herself… she must be socially conscious… she should above all not want to be at least until she changes her mind” (Poniewozik 325). Peggy Orenstein presents a more “school aged girl” idea to the means in which a girl should persist. Her idea continues to be more common in today 's society, a girl 's objective should be “not only to get straight A’s and be the student-body president, editor of the newspaper, and captain of the swim team, but also to be “kind and caring” please everyone, be very thin and dress right” if they want to become a princess (329). Although the authors have a different way of explaining what a princess should obtain, their ideas are very similar in which they both believe in a princess having leadership skills, integrity, self-discipline, and …show more content…
“She needs to assert her independence” (Poniewozik 324). “I watch my fellow mothers, women who once swore they’d never be dependent on a man, smile indulgently at daughters who warble” (Orenstein 327). However, their ideas do differ when Poniewozik states, “among an earlier generation of women, the wish was to be able to do everything men could” (324). While Orensten says, “I see girls expanding their imagination through visualizing themselves as princesses, and then they pass through that phase and end up becoming lawyers, doctors, mothers or princesses, whatever the case may be” (329). Poniewozik informs the audience of the earlier generations, while Orenstein gives a more thorough idea of the generations now, and how women have been taking the idea of “independence” and “feminism” through fairytales and bringing the idea to

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