Specific characteristics of a gene can also have an influence on chromatin features. These features include things such as nucleosome position, binding factors, and histone modifications. Active chromatin are more accessible compared to other chromatin and show more decay as a function of genomic distance. They are also organized into linear domains and are shorter than other chromatin types. They can be organized into TADs which suggests that they are spatially independent. Internal interaction is different between cells of a different type, a possible indication that spatial or temporal arrangement affects the genome. In certain Hi-C studies, compartmentalization of active chromatin was observed as spatial separation from the inactive chromatin. A hypothesis is that when some TADs are in an active state, contacts between complexes at active chromatin may bring chromosome more internal, which might bring together active TADs. (Ciabrelli …show more content…
These chromatin appear to have independence from other silencing systems and lack some enrichments for histone modifications. It is a question of what makes these chromatin different than other chromatin to have differentiating affects to gene expression. A strong enrichment has been shown for lamin, which plays a role of compartmentalization at nuclear periphery of null chromatin, which could have a possible indication that lamin affects the spatial proximity of null chromatin thus affecting how the chromatin affects the genome. Fragments of genome that interacts with nuclear lamina are called LADs (lamin associated domains). Mammalian LADs show low transcriptional activity and late replication timing, and this could because of LADs having an association with null chromatin. (Ciabrelli