No one really knows his true birth date. He resided with his father, mother, three brothers, and one sister. His father was a middle class wool weaver and owned his own cheese stand. Columbus worked at this stand while he was a juvenile.
Columbus enjoyed writing, but for some reason he never seemed to write in his native language, which was thought to be a Genoese variety of Ligurian. While he was a teenager, he worked on a merchant ship where he stayed a sea until 1470, when the ship was attacked. During that year, Columbus was on a Genoese ship working, and his family moved to Savona, where his father took over a tavern for work.
When Columbus’ ship was attacked …show more content…
Columbus based his life in Lisbon from 1477 to 1485. He married a daughter of a Porto Santo governor and the Portuguese nobleman. In 1479 or 1480, Columbus’s son was born.
Columbus left Portugal for Castile in 1485.It is not determined whether his wife died or left him before he left for Portugal. In 1487, he found a twenty year old orphan mistress.
By the end of the 15th century, going from Asia to Europe was hard to accomplish by land. There were many obstacles that were hard to avoid. At this time
Portuguese explorers solved the travel problem by taking the traveling to the sea.
Christopher Columbus did not agree with the route they used and tried to convince the
Portugal and England officials, but had no luck until 1491. At this time the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, offered a sympathetic ear. Due to the fact that Columbus as well as Ferdinand and Isabella wanted to be famous and be wealthy, on August 3, 1492, Columbus and his crew left Spain in three ships for his …show more content…
In March of 1493, he returned to Spain, but left forty of his men behind in a make shift settlement.
In October 1493, Columbus set sail for his second voyage even though he had lost his biggest ship earlier, the Spanish monarchs were so impressed with him, and they financed his voyage again. This voyage was to find and establish a permanent colony.
For this trip, he had seventeen ships and over a thousand men. A colony named Isabella was set up. He later left his brother in charge with instructions to move the settlement south and this was done in 1496 and the settlement was named Santo Domingo. This became the first European settlement in the New World. He returned to Cadiz in 1496, and was not highly received due to not having many treasures.
Christopher Columbus in 1497 was able to make his third voyage. He had problems getting a crew together but finally set sail in May of 1498. He had six ships
under his control. He arrived in Trinidad in 1498 and one day later he encountered South
America. Near the coast, he was able to find pearls as a treasure. He then sailed back to
Santo Domingo to find that Francisco de Bobadilla had arrived from Spain in 1500