Child Development: A Thematic Approach: The Impact Of Divorce

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Children are impacted by such small situations, such as, being picked last to play dodge ball. If small situations affect children, then how much do their parents’ divorce impact their development? According to the book, “Child Development: A Thematic Approach,” by Danuta Bukatko, approximately 50% of marriages end in divorce (541). Before, during, and after the divorce, children are put in an uncomfortable position. This is because children see their parents fighting, and in many cases, they have to choose sides. During a TED Talk called, “The Impact of Divorce on Children,” by Tamara D. Afifi (______), children feel caught when they are asked to relay messages from one parent to the other. For example, it is not a seven year-olds responsibility to remember when they have appointments. However, the father of a divorced couple …show more content…
According to the article, “Effects of Divorce on Children's Social Skills," by Marripedia, some effects can include lower self-esteem, depression, and being withdrawn from peers (3). Some children, particularly boys, show aggression and noncompliance (Bukatko, 541). This is because they do not have the coping skills to handle their feelings yet, which leads to physical behavior. Even mothers have difficulty coping with the divorce, which lead to a more authoritarian parenting style, this means that mother is using high control and low nurturance (Bukatko, 542). This high controlling parenting style can exacerbate the child’s effects because they continue to not have know how to cope with their feelings. Lastly, the child may exhibit physical symptoms, such as stomachaches when their parents are fighting (Afifi _____). Children may also feel as if they caused the divorce and makes the child blame them selves (Bukatko, 542). After 2 years, most effects diminish, but some effects, especially for boys, continue into

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