Then you have the monk, when you think of a monk you think of a person who goes without and studies the word of god kinda thin and very white. This monk has the best of everything, he has nice clothes very nice furs he wears. He has the best horse and hunting dogs, he is known for his hunting and outgoing pride. The monk is not skinny and has a dark tan. …show more content…
He checks on people and tells them what's wrong with them, then sends them to his friend and charges them again to get the medicine that they need. The doctor and his apothecary split the money that they make and continue to con people. The doctor dressed very nice he wears a fire silk fabric that is the color of blood red. The doctor and the apothecary have know each other for a very long time this shows that the two are doing well together.
The use of satire in The Canterbury Tale, show how the church was corrupt with the monk not following the word of the lord and he nun going around flirting with all of the men. This shows how the classes are also verified on how they dressed, if you were doing good you dressed nice and had nice thing but if you were poor you had ragged clothing and were not very