Charles Manson was born on November 12, 1934 in Cincinnati, Ohio. His mom was 16 when she had him and was both an alcoholic and prostitute. His mom later married to William Manson but soon later on divorced him. His mother didn’t want anything to do with Manson so he was living in the streets and getting through …show more content…
Manson was influenced by drugs, artwork, and music of the time. He gathered a group of followers who shared his passion. His followers numbered around 100 included a small hard role unit of impressionable young girls. They began to believe Manson’s claim that he was Jesus and his prophecies of a race war. Manson preached his own blend of eccentric religious teachings to his acolytes, who called them his “family”. He told them a race war between blacks and white was imminent and would result in great power for the family. They should instigate the war by killing rich white people and trying to make it look like the works of the blacks. The main people in his family are Manson himself, Charles Watson, Steve Grogan, Patricia Krenwinkel, Squeaky Fromme, Paul Watkins, Catherine Share, Bobby Beausoleil, Mary Brunner, Linda Kasabian, Susan Atkins, and Leslie Wan Houten. The people who were involved in the killings are Manson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Linda Kasabian. The family was not arrested on suspicion of the murders but simply on the belief that they had vandalized a portion of Death Valley National Park. Susan Atkins confessions gave them suspicions. During the trial the killers showed no remorse of their crimes often giggling with Manson. They were all convicted and sentenced to death but were commuted to …show more content…
Polanski’s house hold has been targeted because it represented Manson reaction by the showbiz world and society. The victims inside the house, actress Sharon Tate, Wojciech Frykowski and his partner, Abigail Folger; and Jay Sebring. Polanski was away in london during the killings. 169 stab wounds between the five who died. Roman Polanski was not the cult leaders intended target. Manson chose them because he had once unsuccessful tried to get a record deal from a producer who used to live there. Polanski was out of town when the killings occurred. Victims in the house: Sharon Tate, Wojciech Frykowski and his partner, Abigail Folger, and Jay Sebring. Manson took no part in the actual killings but directed his murderous disciples to the address and instructed them to kill