English IV, 4th hour
December 7, 2015
The Prologue of The Canterbury Tales
During the time of The Canterbury Tales the church people are supposed to follow certain rules that put them right with god. The four rules are considered as vows. The four vows are: poverty, stability, chastity, and obedience. The vow of poverty is about not being attached to such world such as garments or jewelry. The vow of stability is about focusing on god, day on and day off. The vow of chastity asks people to not be sexually active so that they can be attached to god. Finally, the vow of obedience is about people following god’s plan instead of their own. Although the four vows are not very hard to obey, only certain people in the story …show more content…
This shelters the people from confining to the worlds’ ways. The only person to break this vow would be the monk. Chaucer says, “Was all his fun, he spared for no expense.” (Line 196). The monk spared no time for God, or doing things for God. He had all of his fun and didn’t focus at all on Christ alone. The vow of stability was not broken as much as the other vows. This next vow is obeyed and broken by many of the church …show more content…
This vow means to put away sexual activity so that you are able to focus solely on God. The Friar is the main one who breaks this vow extensively. Chaucer says, “He’d fix up many a marriage, giving each of his young women what he could afford her.” (Line 216-217). He gave the young women what he could afford to get them. It could be jewelry or sexual relations. The friar did not care what he did, it just mattered that he got what he wanted. The last person who broke this vow is the nun. The nun should most likely be the one to never break this vow, but it is the exact opposite. “Her forehead, certainly was fair and spread/Almost a span across the brows, I own.” (Chaucer, Line 158-159). These characteristic traits were seen in many people who broke this vow. The vow of chastity remains as one of the vows that is still upheld by many religious groups in today’s