“Lamb or Monger”
“What's this?” Clay had slid a white piece of paper to Buff with the words “ELECT BUFF LAMB for SHERIFF” on it.
“Guff, I want you to run for sheriff.” The words hit Buff in the face like a northern cold wind. “I'm not running and I want you to take my place.”
“But what about Rex Thompson? He's your deputy and he says he's going to run!”
“Rex is a good deputy but I've known you a lot longer. This county needs a man who won't back down from trouble. Besides, Rex is running as a Democrat. This county is and always has been, Republican!”
“You know I want to be Sheriff Teebo.”
“Well, I can help you get elected. The biggest problem I see, is Jack Monger. You know Jack's father Joe, was sheriff right before me!”
“Is he …show more content…
It's five! Isn't that what you heard Wilma?”
“I heard he married Mary Lee twice and still sees her on the side!”
“Goodness gracious! What is wrong with that man?”
“Abner Dooley said Barney Wilson caught him with his wife and the two shot it out and then went drinking together at the Bucket of Blood!”
The gossip ran through Ozark like a fox with its tail on fire. Instead of talking about crops, weather, or the newspaper, the town talked about Buff. The malicious talk came at an inopportune time. He had not been in a shootout, and was married 4 times if you count Mary Lee who he married twice. Hopefully, these back-fence conversations wouldn’t be enough to hurt him in the election.
August of 1960, Insurance man and all around nice guy, Jack Monger won the election for Sheriff beating Buff Lamb by just 73 votes. The county had spoken; winsome, charismatic, and engaging Jack Monger, was the Sheriff of Christian County for the next four years.
“Sorry you lost the election Buff, I was sure they'd pick you!” said Missouri State Trooper Jerry Hart. “I've known you and Clay for a long time. Sorry to hear you lost.”
“That's okay Jerry. The worst part is, Ruby Jo and I are getting divorced. When it rains, it …show more content…
Buff was hard-headed, tough and he'd stand up to anyone who opposed him. As Pletcher Rogers put it 51 years later, “Buff had 2 or 3 personalities”. An opinion often shared by Ozark residents.
In retaliation, Buff filed an injunction with the circuit court regarding Sisco's petition. “Sisco cannot run for sheriff in this county because he had not lived here during the required time.” stated Buff in his petition.
As the election neared, the town split over who should be sheriff. Clay Hodges backed Marshal Lamb, Sheriff Monger backed Sisco. The competition made for good barber chair and donut shop gossip.
Then Buff did something surprising to his nature; he backed down from the fight and dropped the injunction against Sisco. But not without making a statement to the press.
“I am still convinced that Billy Sisco, even if he were elected in November, could not qualify for the office because he cannot meet the residency requirements”. Said Marshal Lamb in an October interview with the Christian County Republican