CesarHistory Estrada Chavez starts near Yuma, Arizona. Cesar was born on March 31 in 1927. He was named after his grandfather, Cesarean. Unfortunately, the story of Cesar Estrada Chavez also just near Yuma, Arizona. He died on April 231993, in San Luis, a small town near Yuma, Arizona.
He learned about the justice or injustice rather early in his life. He constantly raised in Arizona; the small adobe house where he was born was swindled from them by a strenuous Anglos. Caesar's father agreed to clear eighty acres of land and instead the fact hereceive forty acres of land joined his home. The agreement was broken and the Anglos sold the land to a man named Justus Jackson. Caesar's father was a lawyer who advised …show more content…
He lived in the La Colonia Barrio in Oxnard for a short period, returning to Arizona after several months. They returned to California in June 1939 and this time were established in San Jose. They lived in the neighborhood called "Sal Si Puedes" English "Get Out If You Can". Caesar thought that the only way out of the cycle of poverty waswork his way and send their children to college. He and his family worked in the fields of California Brawley to Oxnard, Atascadero, Gonzales, King City, Salinas, McFarland, Delano, Wasco, Selma, Kingsburg, and Mendota.
While his school education of children was not the best, then life education was his passion. The walls of his office in La Paz (the headquarters of the United Farm Workers Union) is covered with hundreds of books ranging from philosophy, economics, cooperatives, and unions, to biographies of Gandhi and the Kennedys. Caesar believed that "the end of all education should surely be service to others" a belief that he practiced until his untimely death.
In 1944, César joined the Navy at the age of seventeen. He served two years and besides discrimination, had the experience of regimentation.
in 1948, Caesar married Helen Fabela. They were honeymooning to Californiavisit all the California Missions from Sonoma to San Diego (again the influence of education). settled in Delano and began his family. First Fernando, then Sylvia, then Linda, and were followed five