"Mixed Blood” In this article the author intends to demonstrate that the idea of race is only a social/cultural development and a myth. The idea that individuals divided into particular race based on their "biological differences" is a fantasy it’s a myth, everything is just in our heads we have just created it as a community/society, race is not a thing that was always here, it’s only been here since humans have. And the author does a very good job explaining this with good scientific and historical facts that no one can disagree too. This article helped me realize the author’s message (of race just being in our heads), this is not something that I would have really thought about ever if it wasn’t for this article.…
“To me, you have to declare yourself a Chicano to be a Chicano. That makes a Chicano a Mexican-American with a defiant political attitude that centers on his or her right to self-definition. I 'm a Chicano because I say I am” (Marin). A Chicano may be defined as a person of Mexican origin residing in the United States, but mostly someone who is politically active. For many years, the Mexican-Americans have been highly discriminated throughout the United States, but mostly in the southwest area.…
The “struggle in the fields” was a period where farm workers were tired and fed up with inhuman treatment and poor working conditions. The wages were very bad, the farm workers were considered just another item the owners of the fields they worked in they did not treat them with respect. The young people had to stop going to school to go out to the fields and work with their parents, they would only get two or three years of education. The farm worker’s life expectancy was only up to 49 years of age at that time. The workers were not able to read something that the employers would take advantage of, the farm workers would only get paid about $2.00 per day.…
Texts clearly in opposition of a single group because of the actions of some of its parts are commonplace throughout history. Often, in times where a single group finds itself attacked or oppressed it can be easy to pin the blame on the entirety of a single group pinned as “the cause,” this is seen especially so in many cases where a minority group is struggling to achieve equality, like the speech Chicano Nationalism: Fighting for La Raza by Rhodolfo “Corky” Gonzales. However the blame for events such as those described does not often lay solely on one group and even less often are all parts of said group responsible, more often then not smaller parts of a multiple larger groups are responsible for the current condition. Even yet with this…
Chicano usually means Mexican Americans. History between U.S and Mexico is complicated. After the America-Mexico war at 1846, some of Mexico territory became part of U.S territory and people who used to live that area became American. After the war, Chicanos constantly contacted with family and friends in Mexico. Chicanos lived their land for long time and they did not lose their cultural backgrounds.…
Reflection to Race: Power of an Illusion I can honestly say that growing up, I have not been ignorant to race. However, within a few short weeks of this class and watching supplementary films such as Race: Power of an Illusion, I have gained a further understanding of race: how it came to be and its portrayal throughout societies. Firstly, this basic point is one that was repeated consistently throughout the movie, throughout our textbook, as well as in class: Race is a social construction. However, I like the way that the film expressed it in “The Story We Tell”: “Race is constructed by a society to implement economic goals.”…
The idea of race being a social construct is just a way for us to group people based on their characteristics. Unfortunately some people take this too far and somewhere through history this is where racism was developed.…
This aspect of race can be explained by Fields concept of race as an “ideology,” where race has been maintained through laws, customs, and daily practices to address practical needs. Fields coins the term “ideology” as the “daily methods through which people make sense of the social reality they create” (Fields). Essentially, race became an everyday habit that the people used in order to justify what was going on in the world around them. Consequences of social construction is exclusion. In lecture, Professor Smith used a quote from Robert Miles stating “All instances where a specific group is shown to be in unequal receipt of resources and services, or to be unequally represented in the hierarchy of class relations.”…
The Chicano Civil Rights Movement was a movement that took off in the 1960’s which was also when the civil rights movement was in full motion through out the united states. With increased political activity from African American groups to produce much needed change as well as the implantation of the civil rights act of 1964 its easy to see why the Chicano Movement flourished. The 1960’s was a time of political activism which helped move forward the goals of not only African Americans and Mexican Americans but minorities as a whole. The need for a Chicano Movement was unavoidable because where ever there were an abundance of minorities racism and unfair practices towards minorities would follow.…
The Chicano Movement of the 1960s, also called the Chicano Civil Rights Movement, which fought for Mexican American Civil Right with the stated goal of achieving Mexican American empowerment. Chicano movement goals included many issues like restoration of land grants, improved education, farm workers' rights, and to voting and political rights. Generally, the Chicano Movement addressed negative cultural stereotypes of Mexicans. Chicano movement included many people from different culture to fight for their rights; it included Mexican-Americans, African Americans, Asian- Americans, Puerto Rican-Americans, and more; Mexican Americans demanded better education, working conditions, political empowerment, and social freedom.…
All throughout time, people have been divided due to their differences. People who see others that are different from them will often immediately decide that they are “weird” and put those people lower than themselves. According to Linda Holtzman and Leon Sharpe in their passage, “Theories and Constructs of Race,” Race is just a social construct made by humans to exclude people based on what they look like, where they are from, their culture, etc. If scientists were to look at someone’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) compared to another person with, say, different colored skin, they would notice that there is not much of a difference between the two people. Therefore, as Holtzman and Sharpe say, “race is constructed socially, culturally, politically,…
“Choke monopolies, break up rings, vote for honest men, fear God, and make money. So shalt thou prosper and sorrow and hard times shall flee away. ”1 This quote represents the ideals of just one of the several influential political movements in the United States. This paper will discuss a few of these successful movements and the impact they have had on history. All documents provided in this essay are documents found in Exploring American Histories.…
Many aspects of our lives are socially constructed. Our Society builds many things that people begin to render as true. One of these social construction is the development of race. Race is socially constructed not biological. Race is a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that member of society consider important.…
On January 24, 1848, James Wilson Marshall, a carpenter originally from New Jersey, discovered gold in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Although it was not the first time gold was found in California, this event caused the most migrations of people to California because it had the most substantial evidence that it was real. This was because Sam Brannan brought three wagon loads of gold to the nearby town of Coloma, which resulted in the news of gold being spread through the state, the country, and ultimately the world. Foreign people went to California to get away from the poor conditions of where they were as well as to become rich by mining gold. However, they were treated poorly since they caused heightened competition over gold.…
Reading one Question: 1) Why was the social classification of race invented? Race being the social classification in which we distinguish one another by our ethnic and or regional background, enables us to not only create, but uphold systematic social status throughout the world. As proven through scientific research, race is not a substantive concept, but rather an unfounded concept that has been used to separate the human race overtime. This being the case, race was invented to create social class ranks; which sanctioned the appalling treatment of non-whites throughout the past couple of centuries. Is Afrocentrism a response to racism?…