Case Study: Hakuna Matapolis

Superior Essays
Name,size,good and services, responsibilities

Welcome to Hakuna Matapolis! Our population is 500 people. goods and services include jet pack rental services , quicksand slide producer, money tree distribution, premium landscaping and terraforming group and services. The responsibilities of our utopia include teachers to teach kids, quicksand slide maintenance to keep the quicksand slide in control, landscaping/terraforming group to make our utopia look nice and uniform.
Now let’s talk about our responsibilities and they are government group for making decisions for our utopia, religious groups so people in our town will have religion, Store owners for different shops, police/controls to keep everyone one save, climate control so we have
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The education system is there are schools and teachers, but you get choose your classes. There are a few mandatory class such as math and english. Plus everThere are fun tests and learning games, and not much homework. The religion is not the same for all people because the citizens of Hakuna Matapolis have the freedom of religion. The children of our community are allowed to go off on their own by the age of 16.
The government structure of our fantastic Utopia is a democracy, there is a group of elected individuals that must have a unanimous vote on all government type situations. Our government has three groups; law makers, law enforcers, and law judgers. With theses groups we are able to keep the law and keep peace within our citizens. You can vote for the elected individuals twice a year at the age of 15. You can run for Mairs ( the name of the elected people) as many time as you
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The first law is if you murder someone you go down a slide to a pit of quicksand. The second law is if you litter you do 3 weeks of community service. The third law is if you steal you work at store you stole at for ten weeks. Fourth law is you must choose job by 30 years old. If you are caught vandalizing something you have to clean whaat you vandalized. Hakuna Matapolis has freedoms of religion, speech, and freedom of the press. The limit of children you can have is 5 children. Another law is you have to be able to read and write by 10 years old.
These are some reasons that we have these laws and punishments. We have some to make this a better society and to keep people safe. Another reason we made the laws was to help people not be clueless. One of our reasons to make these laws is to give people structure in their life. The reason we made the law of how many children you can have is so no one turestarves. The reason we made the law you have to be able to read and write is so they are not dumb. The reasons we made those punishments was to make sure everyone stays in self control. The reason we made the punishment if you vandalize something you have to clean it is because we think they are not going to do it

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