Case Of Brown Vs. Board Of Education In 1956 Permanently Desegregating The United States

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Does reasonable arguments further human understanding? If people seize having arguments based in reason our culture and society will stop growing. This is due to the fact that progress is built on new ideas. When introducing new ideas, there is often pushback that must be overcome with logic and reason. We can look back at the American revolution and the following decades to see how differing arguments lead to radical new ideas.
One idea that was reintroduced was democracy, the founding fathers of the United States identified that democracy was far more logical and ethical than a monarchy. Had the founding fathers not presented logical arguments to their society there is a good chance that America would still live under the rule of the British. We know this because had the people not had a logical reason to risk their lives, more than likely they would have settled for the way of life they were accustomed to.
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This might seem farfetched, but without reason would our leaders would risk numerous lives to fight another war? What would be the point in losing tens of thousands of lives? Had other nations given their opinion on the war we surly would not join, but because we were given hard facts in became logical to join the fight. Once again logic and reason helped to persuade the case of Brown vs Board of education in 1956 permanently desegregating the United States. Had Browns lawyer not given a logical and reasonable case to the jury, the opposing lawyers may have persuaded them in the opposite direction. When confronted with facts and not opinions the jury made the logical conclusion. Had Browns lawyer failed to provide facts and a reasonable argument, this undoubtedly would have set the race equality movement back untold years, but reason

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