Now Is The Time! My fellow Americans, look around you and what do you see for your future? Butchers, bakers, candlestick makers? Are you ready to have control of your future?…
Tonight was the start of The Real Housewives of Dallas and everyone is getting to know these new group of women. There has been a lot of talk about Tiffany Hendra and her past. She was allegedly involved in soft porn and now Tiffany is revealing the truth. Us Magazine shared what Tiffany had to say about her past acting job and more. Several various outlets reported that Tiffany was joining the show and called her "a former adult film star.…
Many people forget how this women made her start in life. When you hear her name people generally think of movies or television shows. Some people may even ask who? But those people who are die hard rap music fans would sing the song U.N.I.T.Y. and tell me how she is a rap goddess. This women is a rapper, songwriter, singer, actress, model, television producer, record producer, and talk show host.…
She's won many awards from what she did, became president of associated health. Because of her achievements she's persuaded people to spread sex-educational class around the United States. She met Bill Clinton and she awarded her to the highest medical and in surgeon general in the whole United States. She knows what she wants and says what's on her mind. She is the type that goes for what she wants in life to become a better person and become a role model.…
Not only is she the only First Lady in American history to have two Ivy League degrees, she is the only African American First Lady. Just think about that and how inspiring that is. She has positively impacted lots of people, especially Blacks and women. In a world where things may seem difficult for Black women or just Blacks in general to achieve, she has accomplished so…
Deanna, leggy, beautiful, and daring, came a long way from a rugged childhood and the time of liquor bottles aimed at her mother’s head. So said a Washington Post reporter in 2008, “Councilwoman Deanna Flin is a fresh face and a breath of fresh air in D.C. politics.” In the eyes of her colleagues (boozing old school boys with potty mouths and potbellies), she personified Hillary Clinton, the little engine that would, if she could, overturn the political status quo. “Too big for her britches,” said one, which struck Deanna as funny, but not in the ha-ha-ha way.…
This implies she is well knowledge about various worldly situations and know what it takes to and handle several duties of what being president entails. She shows that has numerous experience in the political field and that shows it 's plausible that she can make right decisions if she ever becomes the…
I grew up in Denver, Colorado and ever since I could remember everyone around me made a big deal about Juneteenth. I never heard of Juneteenth before I moved to Colorado. In Colorado, it is so big that their is one entire week dedicated to it. It is almost considered like a holiday. Juneteenth is also known as Freedom Day.…
What do you think? Please comment, like or hate and share! WOMEN PRESIDENT OF THE USA, UNCONSTITUTIONAL? I want to preface by saying that I am not against the idea of a women being President of the US, but I am very much against Hillary Clinton, for more reasons than I can count. With that said, it seems to me that it is currently unconstitutional for a female to hold the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America.…
Can you imagine how different the United States moral would be changed if Bernie Sanders became the 45th president? For those of you that don’t know, Bernie Sanders is potentially the next president of the United States. shares that Bernie came from a struggling working-class family. He went to high school at James Madison High School and eventually furthered his education at Brooklyn College, and the University of Chicago where he eventually graduated in 1964 with a degree in political science. Bernie got his first elected position in 1981 when he was elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont by only 12 votes.…
POINTS TO PONDER BEFORE ELECTION DAY If you are Gay, why are you voting for Hillary? She wants to bring in hundreds of thousands of refugees that believe all Gays should be executed. If you are Black, why are you voting for Hillary? She admires Margaret Sanger and defends Planned Parenthood. They want to abort as many black babies as possible. "…
The reasons why Hillary Clinton should not be President. There are many reasons why Hillary Clinton should not President of the United States. Here are some of the reasons why she should not be president: she believes in abortion, she wants to take away gun rights from the people, she wants open borders, her bad health, and her family’s scandals, Many people says that she is not fit to be president because she can not even walk to the van without falling like at the 9/11 memorial in New York City. Some people think she is fit even through her and her husband’s scandals.…
The United States needs an outstanding president who will be willing to put their best effort to make the greatest for our Country. The best candidate would be Hillary Clinton, she has proven that she’s the candidate who can take on tough fights and get things done. But that’s not the only reason she should be our next president. Clinton will make a positive change in economy, taxes and immigration. Hillary Clinton has a position as a candidate and knows where she stands with all her promises to our Country.…
Immigration has recently become the center of the presidential debates, and every candidate is trying to offer up the best position regarding this topic. For instance, the democrats maintain a low profile on their stance because many, such as Hillary Clinton, believe immigration is be something we should allow more of. While the republicans, excluding Jeb Bush, strongly support the strengthening of our immigration laws. That being said, Donald Trump’s stance on immigration is the most popular amongst Republican Americans. This is because he promises to build a wall large enough that there would be no chance of illegal immigration.…
John F. Kennedy once said, “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all” (BrainyQuote). In order to make a well-educated presidential vote, one must be well informed on the candidates at hand. Failing to know key aspects about the candidate puts the entire democracy in danger because the right to vote is then wasted. There are countless aspects of a candidate’s life that are crucial to note when attempting to better understand the position and viewpoints of a candidate. A major component of Republican candidate Ben Carson is his past, which will enviably influence his future.…