Care Pathway Group Project: Teamwork Analysis

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In this assignment I will reflect on team working during our care pathway group project and its implications for practice. Reflection is important due to the way that healthcare professionals develop their practice by learning from their experiences, as well as how it benefits one’s professional development (Jasper et al 2013). This is further supported by The Health and Care Professions Councils’ (HCPC) code of conduct which instructs that a registrant must “keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date” (HCPC 2012 p.10). Moreover, healthcare professionals are expected to work in multidisciplinary teams which recently has been become more significant within treating patients (Kane et al 2007). These multidisciplinary teams are particularly …show more content…
One positive of being in an unfamiliar team is that there is less reason to be distracted by socialising (Cowen et al 2009) therefore the focus can be on the task in hand. On the other hand, working within a team with familiar people could potentially mean a more relaxed environment where individuals feel more comfortable to portray their ideas (Cowen et al 2009). The HCPC (2012 p.6) states that registrants must work in partnership with colleagues and share knowledge and experience thus furthering the point of the importance of working together as a team within healthcare to provide the best care to patients. As a group, the general consensus was that the best way to complete the given task was to divide up parts of work and delegate to the most appropriate person to complete. Studies have shown that this collaboration style of working is far more effective in terms of critical thinking (Gokhale 1995). However, this collaboration style of working was hindered by absence and members neglecting to do the work expected of them. This could be due to complacency or lack of motivation. This complacency or a failure to stay focused can have large implications and causes an ineffective team (Masters …show more content…
Literature frequently emphasises the importance of establishing team roles from the beginning (Cowen et al 2009). This could have saved vital time, as well as helping to form a strong, high performance team from the very beginning. As well as this, it would have been more beneficial for the team to meet more regularly face to face. Even though we used social media for communication in-between the organised fortnightly sessions, it is critical for face to face meetings to communicate effectively (Cowen et al 2009). This lack of motivation to meet up in person was influenced not only by the efficiency of communicating through social media, but also was due to some members having extra commitments which were unavoidable. In future, it would be much more beneficial to try harder to organise meetings to focus on the task set. Further to this, it is important for all members of the group to contribute collectively and evenly through the use of social media in order to improve efficiency. It is strongly emphasised that continued reflection is important for clinical knowledge and professional development. Therefore, as part of my action plan, it is important to keep reflecting on all aspects of my education and clinical development in order to progress my knowledge and work safely with patients needs at the forefront of my

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