CDA Competency Goals For A Teacher

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As my new role as assistant director, I will be supporting the infant and toddler teachers. Because I frequently visit and greet my tiniest friends daily, I have become a familiar face. I look forward to introducing them to our studio/multi -purpose room this fall, to explore new learning situations, challenges and materials. When I am with the infant and toddler rooms I often clean off a table, or sweep a floor, or pitch in any other capacity if needed when I am helping my colleagues. These, as well as other procedures, are many ways to meet the CDA Competency Goals and Functional Areas.
The environment should be safe for the children 's exploration. There should be child size equipment so the children can use things safely, for instance
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The adults are imperative in facilitating physical and intellectual activities. Some educators might set up the environment rich in experience and materials that are interesting to the child and observe and respond accordingly. Some say it is not merely enough to put some new toys on the floor but rather talk about them and model the exploration. The educator might provide authentic learning environments that are interesting and challenging for the stage of the child. Provide activities that will encourage movement like scarves and a variety of balls. There are a variety of stimulating and safe materials and items that will encourage exploration with their senses. When an adult is assisting a child in learning object permanence he/she Provide cause and effect games like peek-a-boo. One needs to remember that some children might find this fun and others need to be prepared to do this activity. Perhaps at first, the item can be covered and revealed, than an adult might use a see thru material cover himself and finally offer the toddler or infant the same material to play the game. There are many ideas available to the teacher and parent in the library, watching child development shows, and the internet to help create challenging and interesting learning to encourage growth and …show more content…
No one person can do it alone. It takes a director, teachers and families who believe in the philosophy and vision of the school to attain the goal together. The teaching team can set up and facilitate beautiful and appropriate learning environments and Provide refreshing learning based on observations of the learners. They can create and keep a portfolios or journals about each child’ growth and development to share with families. Each day as the am and pm staff changes shifts, they can touch base or leave notes for each other so that they can better respond to the children and families in their program. Finally, the teachers should be aware of all policies and procedures. The director should encourage ongoing training, help mentor staff as needed and help staff adhere to procedures and policies as mandated by the state to provide a quality program for all

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