After having my Music Teacher Susie suggest recording an album for my Music Individual Study, I modified the idea to an EP in order to fit time constraints and increase the quality of the songs. R2 This goal was of particular interest to me as I am interested in the recording process and want to do it later in life. I wrote, recorded and produced an EP consisting of five tracks with a cover and booklet. I journaled this process in order to display my progress and development and personally reflect on it. R2
My Music Individual Study was successful as I created 5 quality songs that demonstrated a range of skills I have developed over the year. These skills are ones I will be required to use later in life, especially in the music …show more content…
Therefore, I had to be organised and manage my time well. To achieve this, I constructed a timeline to follow with due dates for certain tasks. I also organised weekly meetings with my music teacher which helped me stay on track and complete tasks on time, as my teacher had to review my progress and help improve the quality of that week’s tasks. K2 Time management and organisation was something that I needed considerable growth in as it is something I initially struggled with. R1
Another skill I developed through this project is my adaptability. If something were to interrupt my original plan, I had to adapt and readjust according to these issues so everything would still get done in time. For instance, I initially wanted to record the EP in an Adelaide recording studio over a few days. However, due to the busy schedule of the musician who played for my EP, we had limited time where he was available. As a result, we recorded the songs in one day. Also, the cost of an Adelaide studio was quite expensive for me to pay. Therefore, we recorded at the local church as it was less expensive and still had quality recording gear. The only problem with recording there was we could only listen to one track at a time whilst recording and had to wait for it to be mixed to hear it all together. This is not normally the case for recording studios. …show more content…
This process gave me the opportunity to explore a variety of song writing techniques and I concluded the best way was to create a chord progression or an instrumental first and then add lyrics and the melody afterwards.