Bureaucracy Accountability can be defined as the ability of the federal government to hold the bureaucracy responsible and accountable for it performance and actions. This process takes place by the president, Congress, and the courts. The president has the power to appointed cabinet secretaries, department officials, and assistants. Additionally, the president has the power to reorganize departments and setting agency priorities. This power allows the president to hold agencies accountable through reengineering. The president works closely with the Office of …show more content…
As citizens it can be hard to feel that we can hold these bureaucrats politically accountable for their actions. It is common place to believe that our government is inefficient and in need for reform. This statement is not far from the truth since many bureaucrats become complacent and inflexible within their positions. Citizens are typically left waiting in line winding through a maze of paperwork and rules and regulations. Throughout the 20th century the Office of the President and Congress have implemented plans to reorganize and structure the federal government through downsizing and reengineering. These plans have helped create a culture of less centralized management with few rules and more emphasis on serving the