This technique consists of maintaining detainees awake up to 180 hours. Some of the detainees who have been through sleep deprivation have said that they experienced hallucinations. Waterboarding is another of those techniques which was used on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM). The CIA affirm that they have obtained important information through these interrogation methods, but their records shown the opposite. The report explained that many of the information that is obtained by the detainees in some cases has not been acquired through the enhanced interrogation techniques. Michael Hayden, the ex director of the CIA, stated that the waterboarding technique was a success in retrieving information in KSM case, but the records of the CIA says the contrary. Several have disagree with this enhanced interrogation techniques because they are ineffective, but the CIA Director John Brennan said the following “Our review indicates that interrogations of detainees on whom EITs were used did produce intelligence that helped thwart attack plans, capture terrorists, and save lives.” Many CIA directors and deputy directors have said to The Wall Street Journal that the enhanced interrogation techniques have helped with the capture of the Al-Qaida
This technique consists of maintaining detainees awake up to 180 hours. Some of the detainees who have been through sleep deprivation have said that they experienced hallucinations. Waterboarding is another of those techniques which was used on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM). The CIA affirm that they have obtained important information through these interrogation methods, but their records shown the opposite. The report explained that many of the information that is obtained by the detainees in some cases has not been acquired through the enhanced interrogation techniques. Michael Hayden, the ex director of the CIA, stated that the waterboarding technique was a success in retrieving information in KSM case, but the records of the CIA says the contrary. Several have disagree with this enhanced interrogation techniques because they are ineffective, but the CIA Director John Brennan said the following “Our review indicates that interrogations of detainees on whom EITs were used did produce intelligence that helped thwart attack plans, capture terrorists, and save lives.” Many CIA directors and deputy directors have said to The Wall Street Journal that the enhanced interrogation techniques have helped with the capture of the Al-Qaida