Breast Cancer Research Paper Outline

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Breast cancer is one of the chief killers to the woman's life. Health people 2020 set goal to decrease the number of new cancer events and the illness, disability, and death (What Are Its Goals? - Healthy People 2020. n.d.). According to the American Cancer Society estimated, there will be 231,840 new breast cancer cases of all age in 2015 ( Cancer Facts and Statistics | American Cancer Society. n.d.).In this essay, the student will talk about the breast cancer and related its diagnosis and staging. Discuss the side effects of treatment and the complications. Also introduce some methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.
Breast cancer diagnosed and staging
Physical exam and collect medical history and sign and symptoms is the first steps in breast cancer diagnosis(Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - MedicineNet. n.d.). Many tests will be made to
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HCP put all the information into the computer programme, which it gives some idea of best treatment for the particular patient with the breast cancer. Also, it can give the idea of how long the patient might live (TNM breast cancer staging | Cancer Research UK. n.d.). cancer teatment, complication, and side effect
One in eight women will be a victim of breast cancer (Breast Cancer | VitalSigns | CDC. n.d.). 40 thousand women die of breast cancer each year, and it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the United States. (Breast Cancer | VitalSigns | CDC. n.d.). However, modern breast cancer treatment have improved the survival rate of prognoses. (Cancer Facts & Figures 2015 - American Cancer Society. n.d.).
Breast cancer treatment is various. It depends on the type and stage of breast cancer at the time of diagnosis. Surgery removal the tumour is the most common breast cancer treatment. It may involve lumpectomy, partial or radical mastectomy, and

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