The second wave was when it started to spread. Supposably that’s when all the world leaders the world use to have came together. They tried to work as a team to help each other and to find a way to stop the resistance. To help the people.
The third wave that when everyone turned on each other. Borders were closed shut; doctors would no longer help the sick or the poor. Loved ones, families, children… everyone started dropping like flies.
I wasn’t there to witness the end of the world; I was born when …show more content…
It would start with the smallest thing, a tickle and then a little cough and then on the next turn they would be dead. But then it all changed. People were able to fight. I have never known what it would be to fight, to have a chance. The poor souls who are still alive today don’t have a chance. They took that away from us. My Pa has told me everything there is to know about antibiotics. When I was younger they sounded like magic, something so far from reality that I suffered to believe that they were real, that they could stop people from dying. That they could of stopped the end of the world.
I went from not believing to being angry. Pa used to always tell me there was no use of being angry over the past unless to try to fix it in the future but I couldn’t stop it. How could the people before me let the resistance happen? They had left us in a struggling heap scared to go outside, scared to touch each other. My mother never really hugged me as a child, I remember always running to her for her touch, her love and always being turned away. The risk was too high and she was sick of losing children and she would do everything to not lose …show more content…
I was never allowed to run, a fast walk was even too much. One day I was out in our yard and I saw a bird. I had seen birds before but not many and nothing like this one. Its feathers changed its colours across its body from green to blue then orange to blue again and red. I had never in my life seen something so vivid and alive. I ran as fast as I could into the house yelling for my Pa to come see when I tripped on the edge of our carpet. When I fell I grazed half my leg. I had always been so careful to never even leave myself with a scratch that this red raw sight left me terrified. My mother ran in notified from the sound of my fall and started to wail. She cried and screamed as she grabbed me asking God to save me.
The seconds slowly rolled past as I thought it was the end of my world. I don’t remember my father dragging her off of me. All of a sudden she was gone and the world was quiet as my father tried to sterile my leg. My mother never fully recovered but I guess there was nothing in her to recover to; all that was left was fear. She always moved around on edge waiting for the final bullet to blow and end my life or