The Bubonic Plague had one of the highest death rates in the world because it killed over 25 million people. In the Holocaust, 11 million people died; that is half the amount of people that died in the Bubonic Plague. The Bubonic Plague was a disease that was caused by fleas on rats.The Bubonic Plague originated from the far East (China). It started in 1348 and ended in 1351, during this time both humans and animals got the disease. The Bubonic Plague was so devastating to Europe because of the way it spread, the effects on Europeans, and how the population amount changed.
The Bubonic Plague had changed European Society. The way it spread overtime and the years it lasted was a great impact. Majority of Europe was affected …show more content…
In Europe a lot of people were dying by the disease. Not only did adults get this deadly disease, but so did children (Doc E). If a person had this disease, they would die in a few minutes or hours (Doc D). They didn't have a treatment for this because, they didn't know much about medicines or diseases (Doc F). The Bubonic Plague was just like spreading misery on people (Doc C). Since no one really knew what was going on and how to treat the disease, the people who got it just died with nothing to hold on to.
By the time the disease vanished, there were barely any European survivors. Throughout Europe, millions and millions of people died(Doc G). Most deaths happened in France (Doc G). Least amount of deaths happened in Scotland (Doc G). Through 1000 and 1500 more and more deaths were happening (Doc G). By 1500, 81 million people had died, which was a pretty long term effect to Europe (Doc G). Since most people died from the plague, there wasn't really anything left in Europe. The Bubonic Plague was devastating to European Society because it spread throughout Europe quickly, there was not a treatment(no one knew what it was), and it had declined the population. Because of this, European Society will never be the