Bubonic Plague Research Paper

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Bubonic Plague
Bubonic Plague is a zoonatic disease , it circulates thourgh fleas on small podents . It’s one of three types of bacterial infections which is cause by yersinia pestis, it belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceac.if the person does get treatment , the Bubonic plauge can kill you within four days and can also kill two thirds of infected humans. You can get infected with this disease if a infected flea bites you or if a rodent bites you.In rare cases , Y pestis bacteria , from a piece of ctholing or other material used by a person with bubonic plague., it enters into a persons body through an opening in the shin.When a person is infected with bubonic plague it affects the lymph nodes.Whitin three to seven days being infective , you
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It can be treated by Chlora mphencol (Chloromycetin,Econochlor, pcu-chlor[these are discontinued brands in the US]) Gentamicin-injection. Garamycin.Tetracycline, Sumyin (discontinued).is kind of rare for the disease to spread from person to person.It can only be spread thourgh a flea or rodent bite. It can be treated by Chlora mphencol (Chloromycetin,Econochlor, pcu-chlor[these are discontinued brands in the US]) Gentamicin-injection. Garamycin.Tetracycline, Sumyin (discontinued).Bubonic Plague history.1351 the disease had reached to england in 1348, and by 1351 , it had kill over a million of innocent people, and a third of europe’ .s population.A few people who caught the black death rarely survived.There towns , villages , and hamlets were wiped out.Historically, plague destroyed civilization its was a very dangerous disease . In the 1300’s the bubonic plague which is also called “The black death”a killed a large amount of people approximately a third of europe’s population in twenty to thirty minutes .In the mid 1800’s it wiped ouit 12 million people in china .Today thankls to technology antibiotics and improved sanitation

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