Boyhood Movie Reflection

Improved Essays
Movie Reflection Paper
Development is faster than we thought. Life is short and we can also watch the life process in a 3 hours movie. I am going to talk about a movie that shows how short a person’s life is, how fast it is going to like by the time we open our eyes to close. I will analyze this movie which called “Boyhood” by focusing on different theoretical frameworks on developmental psychology perspective. Particularly, I will discuss Diana Baumrind’s theory of Parenting Styles and Uri Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory in relation to Mason’s life process who is the main character of the movie. And also I will discuss Mason’s periods of adolescence, his emotional situation and his perspectives on Erik Erikson’s
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Cole, 2013, p.349). Permissive parents have lack of control. They show their emotions but there is not enough control or rules. According to The Development of Children book, “Permissive parent’s children must learn how to behave through their own experience” (Cynthia Lightfoot, Michael Cole, Sheila R. Cole, 2013, p.349). As we can see in the movie, Mason’s mother Olivia is an exactly authoritative parent. She cares about her children, spends time with them, shares her feelings, tries to understand their feelings, put some rules and explains them and even builds his own life according to his children. Some scenes, she seems too much strict, but she still in a role of an ideal mother. Their fathers is opposite of their mother. He spends quite a warm time with his children and we can see how much they fun they spend while watching. At the same time, we can also observe that they notice the differences between their mother and father. When they come to their father, they feel freer. The reason for this is no control and no rule. …show more content…
The Ecological Models of Human Development is found by Urie Bronfenbrenner. According to Lightfoot and Cole, “Ecological system theory focuses on organization of the multiple environmental context within which children develop” (Cynthia Lightfoot, Michael Cole, Sheila R. Cole, 2013, p.27). This theory focuses on the nurture feature of the development of the child. He interested about human development and human relationships. This model includes 5 main systems. These are microsytem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. In the microsystem which is innermost system there are people that you are mostly face to face. It can be parent, school or peer groups. The mesosystem is the relations with microsystem people. There are connections one to another like a child parent’s connections with his or her school. This is important for a child’s development. For example does the parent support their children academic success? “The exosystem consists of settings that affect but do not usually include the child” (Cynthia Lightfoot, Michael Cole, Sheila R. Cole, 2013, p.28). For example are there enough courses that opened by corporation? The macrosystem is about cultures, values, economy.

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