Symptoms of this disease can be
Symptoms of this disease can be
The victims were pig farmers. People thought that it might be Japanese Encephalitis, but that proved wrong. Samples from people were sent to the CDC to be analyzed and what they found was similar to Hendra but different. It became known as Nipah virus encephalitits. So once again the question arises, where did it come from?…
This disease is where at birth there is excess fluid in the brain causing a larger head and sometimes mental disabilities and brain damage. At the reservation school Sherman would always get picked on for his large head. People at school called him “the Globe” because…
Salmonella is another common disease found in raccoon droppings. It often remains…
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and…
In this book D. T. Max focuses on the history of many different prion diseases such as FFI, scrapie, kuru, and mad cow disease and how each disease spread and was recognized over time. In each community in which prion diseases became prevalent, there was a mass of confusion as people tried to figure out what was going on with their friends and family. This book does not…
It is a progressive neurologic disease, affecting the central nervous system. It also effects the immune system because it does not recognize the abnormal prion so the body cannot fight off the disease. It is believed to be caused by a prion, and the body cannot fight off the disease. It is not contagious, but can be spread from cow to cow in other ways. The FDA and USDA have rules and regulations to make sure humans and animals are safe from mad cow disease.…
Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome in Dogs: Overview: Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome, or more commonly referred to as Brachycephalic syndrome or abbreviated BAOS, is a syndrome that leads to respiratory distress in the affected breeds of dogs (CIDD). Brachycephalia is best described as a chondrodysplasia that has been a product of selected breeding of domesticated breeds of dogs and cats (Koch). Breed standards often encourage and require these negative anatomical features, ensuring these abnormalities are continually bred into future generations (CIDD). Some common breeds that suffer from Brachycephalia are the Pug, Boston Terriers and English Bull Dogs. These dogs generally have short muzzles and noses which causes their throats and airways to often be flat or undersized (AVCS).…
In the article "Brain disease called CTE is found to affect almost all pro football players," Amber Partida discusses how playing football affects players' brains. Many long-term players develop the brain disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy, commonly known as CTE. The disease is caused by repetitive trauma to the head; with football being one of the most popular contact sports, there is no doubt that players are especially susceptible to the disease. CTE can cause a number of symptoms such as impulsive behavior, emotional instability, depression, substance abuse, and even suicidal thoughts or behavior. Many former football players have taken their lives because of the effects of CTE: Terry Long, for example, killed himself on June 7, 2005…
In most countries horse meat is considered a delicacy or a “higher cut” of meat. In Europe, the Middle East, and Asia this meat is the second most popular meat consumed by humans. In early 2001 there was an outbreak of Mad Cow Disease, also known as hoof and mouth disease. This caused a substantial drop in the amount of cow meat available for consumption. Horses are immune to this terrible disease and it caused a very large increase in the demand for horse meat.…
Athletic children look up to athletes for seemingly natural mental and physical resilience, and achievements. However, contrary to popular belief, contact sport players are not moving indestructible walls or robots programmed to just win a game; they are human just like anyone else and are susceptible to injury. Football is one of the most popular contact sports and has a strong focus on head on collisions and aggression on the field, consequently, it has a strong link to the posthumous diagnosis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (C.T.E.) in former players. To protect players and practicing fans there needs to be a stronger focus on educating players on the long term health risks of playing football and other contact sports to supplement…
The Truth About ALS and CTE: Can They Be Stopped? Imagine being trapped inside your own body; powerless, unable to do anything on your own. Thinking about old memories and just wishing for the chance to relive those happy moments when you are capable of doing the simplest jobs on your own. That is exactly how a person feels when they have Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. ALS is a fatal neurological disease that attacks the nerve cells, which control one's muscle movements.…
It is a long-term damaging brain disease that mimics ALS very closely and is caused by repetitive trauma to the brain either by symptomatic or asymptomatic concussions. The repeated trauma triggers the buildup of an abnormal protein called tau in the brain. With injury, the misfolded protein discharges into the cell setting off a chain reaction that causes it to group together. The clusters gradually eliminate the neurons and spread to adjacent cells slowly deteriorating the brain. Sports in which athletes utilize their heads are often more prone to getting CTE.…
There are four types of interactions that stabilize a protein and give it structure at the tertiary level. Hydrophobic interactions are nonpolar molecules, they generally have a long chain of carbons that do not interact with water molecules. RGroups prefer to interact with each other internally and away from water (Wolfe, G. (2000). Thinkwell biochemistry - 2.7.4 Tertiary Structure). This interaction contributes significantly to the folding and shaping of a protein.…
Luckily, Hawaii is the only state that is rabies free and this is maintained up to date because of the current law which requires cats, dogs, and carnivores to complete a 120-day or 5-day-or-less rabies quarantine and the entire cost of the rabies quarantine program need to be paid by the users of the quarantine facility. Additionally, invasive rats in are a threat to the human health. They carry more than forty harmful diseases such as leptospirosis, murine typhus, etc. Leptospirosis is a disease that is transmitted from animals to people when they come in contact with urine from infected animals from stream water or mud. From 1907 until 2007, at least thirty-two deaths have occurred due to leptospirosis acquired in the Hawaiian Islands (…
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a brain condition that develops after repeated head trauma. While it is most commonly seen in competitive athletes, CTE has also been seen in those who exhibit self-injuring behavior and victims of domestic abuse. Despite the name, CTE is more progressive than chronic. CTE does not begin to manifest until 10 to 30 years after the player has retired from competitive play. Once CTE begins to appear it progresses within two to three years which is unusually rapid.…