Causes of Borderline Personality Disorder
Is it genetically passed down?
Is it developed through childhood?
Do certain events cause this disorder?
Is the people who suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder brain built differently
2. Effects of mental illness
Financially relationship-wise Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness that affects moods, behavior, and relationships.
(BPD) has 3 million US diagnosed cases per year. While most cases are found in adults, children, teens, and elders can also be affected by it. (BPD) can be a result of environmental influences, internal conflict, and differently …show more content…
The causes of (BPD) can be developed in childhood, like bullying, sexual harassment/abuse, physical abuse, and/or loss or neglect. It could also be a result of environmental influences, like social media, music, movies, and friends/family. Studies show that 60% of the risk of developing Borderline Personality Disorder is conveyed by genetic abnormalities. The risk of getting (BPD) is about 2% higher when passed on by people with Borderline Personality Disorder , a related disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Substance use disorders, antisocial disorder, ADHD, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD). Another cause of (BPD) can be that the brain of people who suffer from the illness is built differently. Scientist say that the mechanism involves the frontolimbic network of neurons. Also in (BPD) the hippocampus tends to be smaller, just like people with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD), but unlike (PTSD) , the amygdala also tends to be smaller. The amygdala affects the negative views and displays of emotion. So when the amygdala is found in unusual strong activity consequently the stronger the negative emotions. Many cases of (BPD) is a result of these abnormal brain functions. Also a person suffering from (BPD) may be an effect of self-disgust with body image, rejection, or severe …show more content…
Mentally, (BPD) can cause depression, feelings of isolation, difficulty of feeling empathy, a disturbed sense of identity, substance abuse, distorted self-image, and increased hostility. (BPD) greatly increases the risk of self-harm and 10% of people who suffer from this illness commit suicide. (BPD) can cause people to feel feelings more easily and deeply. Though they can feel immense feelings of joy, excitement, and love, they can also feel a overwhelming amount of anger, sadness, embarrassment, and anxiety Which can also result in self-harm, harm of others or suicide. People with Borderline Personality Disorder can also find it hard to function as living members of the human society, which is an effect of unstable (Borderline personality) behavior. Because of unstable behavior, impulsive behavior is more likely to happen. Which can lead to substance or alcohol abuse, reckless driving and spending, eating disorders, leaving jobs, and running away. People with (BPD) are more prone to be angry with their family members. Which can cause family members to be angry back which could result in divorce or running away. As a result, this means it is hard to keep or find a stable job to make income. There is no cure for (BPD), thus treatment can be very expensive, as the average person suffering from (BPD) takes about 10 years to improve.