Black And White Laborers In The 13 Colonies

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The Creation of the Atlantic Proletariat began way back when America was still the 13 colonies. Those thirteen colonies were Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. These colonies used a plantation system as well as a labor system consisting of black and white slaves. In the colonial times of the early 17th century, on the plantations, both black and white laborers have generally been indentured servants. Indeed, the first black Africans to touch the shores of North America in 1619 were indentured servants, who went on to obtain their freedom without their descendants tasting slavery instead of …show more content…
In some cases, few slaves even became plantation owners themselves, employing indentured and convict labor, white as well as black. On the plantation, both black and white laborers were exploited, looked down upon, and rewarded and punished all equally. It was in the later half of the 1600's, there were no laws in the northern colonies that recognized black and white laborers. Those who owned black and white laborers saw no basic differences between each other as human beings. Their obvious differences in skin color and physical features, culture, and language did not matter to the slave owner as long as their property worked. Being in the same group, both white and black laborers had to interact with each other during their labor, but also fraternized on their free time, and even had intimate relationships. So they not only worked together, but played, loved, and when the time came, united and rose up together against their common

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