Just in the year 2014, there were 16 mining accidents in the western United States. These accidents are either caused by the conditions in the mine shaft or to faulty equipment (see figure 1). Many more happened in countries such as Africa and Southern America where they do not have health insurance or fatality coverages. Families lose members and in most cases the gems being mined are damaged and cannot be sold. The dust and polluted air in mining shafts also causes disease like pneumoconiosis, which is scarring of the lung tissue. Mining can also cause Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD is a lung disease that causes the airways to be more resistant and allow less air to travel through them. While there are those who study these economic issues, there also those who study birthstones through science to find the physical …show more content…
This really depends on the actuality of the stones abilities. There are myth healing abilities amongst the ones that really work. The only way to find out is to try. Usually the stones are heated and placed on the skin. Birthstone can also be ingested as seen in the era of the Black Plague with emeralds. This, however, is very expensive and rarely used. Some say that just being in the room with the right stone can heal the ailment over time. There is no real proof that this actually works. The emotional healing techniques are speculated and considered unreliable. To be optimistic, there could be some truth to the claims. This means that the properties of the stone have an effect on brain waves similar to the effect of electronics or certain foods. True or not, they still pertain to the complexity of birthstones. For a story to be made, someone had to actually ponder the concept and for it to be accepted it had to be