Bilingualism In Mother Tongue

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Coming to a new country and learning a new language sometimes causes individuals to forget the language that they were once so used to speaking. That language is the language spoken at home with family members. In elementary school, the English language is learned and this helps individuals forget that a dissimilar language is spoken at home. Being bilingual can be beneficial, but it can also raise social and emotional issues. In the texts “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan and “Achievement of Desire” by Richard Rodriquez the readers are able to experience how bilingualism can affect the way individuals interact. Sometimes the language spoken at home is different from the language spoken in the outside world. Bilingualism is something that should not change the relationship with family members or from the culture we came from it is something to be proud of because we speak in two dissimilar languages. Learning a new language can change the way individuals interact with those that do not know the language as well as they know it. This applies to the text “Achievement of Desire” by Richard Rodriquez. In the short essay we see how learning a new language is affecting Richard’s interactions with his family. “In the midst of preparing dinner, my mother would come up behind me while I was trying to read…”What are you reading?” or “Tell me about your new courses”. I would barely respond” (178). For Rodriguez it was difficult coming home to parents who did not speak the English language. *Material Removed* “I grew increasingly successful, a talkative student. My hand was raised in the classroom; I yearned to answer any question. At home, life was less noisy than it had been. (I spoke to classmates and teachers more often each day than to family members)” (178). With this quote we can see how the author grew intensively interested in his academics which caused less communication between him and his parents.*Material Removed* Rodriguez was interested in his new books and preferred to be alone most of the time. Learning English in school has changed the way Rodriguez interacts with his family, he became interested in his academics and refused to make as much conversation with his parents. *Material Removed* The way individuals interact with their parents is very unique, the language spoken with them is something that has been developed. …show more content…
*Material Removed* In this short essay it can be seen how Tan interacts with her mother in a very unique manner because it is language that they have developed over time. *Material Removed* “My mother was in the room. And it was perhaps the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech, using the kind of English I have never used with her” (206). She is used to speaking “broken” English with her mother and continues to embrace it even as an English major. Tan does not let a professional critic read and influence her work, her success depends on how much her mother understands her reading. Tan describes the language she speaks with her mom as “…our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to the family talk, the language I grew up with” (207). *Material Removed* “Broken” English is the type of english her mom understands and can communicate with. With these examples, the readers are able to understand how significant “broken” english is to the author and her mother. Tan expresses how perfect her mother’s “broken” english sounds when she states: But to me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear; perfectly natural. It’s my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery. That was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things, made sense of the world (208). The author expresses how her mother’s English has impacted her in a positive way. She explains how to her it is perfectly clear. It’s the language that helped her understand the world surrounding her. Individuals who do not speak the same language as we do should not be avoided in any way because of their lack of knowledge in that language. Rodriguez understood the benefits of education and with this knowledge he became very ambitious. His parent’s

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