Most things on the internet are completely false but everyone falls for it because, of course, Google is always the answer. The government could easily put untrue facts online to make us think one thing about anything in society and we would completely believe it. This ties in greatly with 1984; our society could easily be creating our own Big Brother. In the novel, Big Brother controls all thinking and if you think of something your own way, you’re automatically wrong. Technology could be doing this to the people of today. If we believe anything we see without doing any research, our life as we know it could go down the drain. The next generation was never taught to look up things through factual resources; Google and Siri are the only high powered thing they trust. Government could easily take complete control of this and of course, become Big
Most things on the internet are completely false but everyone falls for it because, of course, Google is always the answer. The government could easily put untrue facts online to make us think one thing about anything in society and we would completely believe it. This ties in greatly with 1984; our society could easily be creating our own Big Brother. In the novel, Big Brother controls all thinking and if you think of something your own way, you’re automatically wrong. Technology could be doing this to the people of today. If we believe anything we see without doing any research, our life as we know it could go down the drain. The next generation was never taught to look up things through factual resources; Google and Siri are the only high powered thing they trust. Government could easily take complete control of this and of course, become Big