Persuasive Essay On The Book 1984 By George Orwell

Superior Essays
For a book that was written over 60 years ago it’s incredible that George Orwell’s prediction on government power and how the world would look like is scary accurate. Big Brother is something that is intact but government hides it from the people which is when a totalitarian government becomes enabled. 1984 is hell compared to the world we live in where mind control, government power, torture, and genocide take place. If I were to describe 1984 in one word it would be corrupt.
War and hatred dominate Oceania where Government controls every aspect of your daily life from sun up to sun down Big Brother is watching you and the thought Police are always listening. Or at least that’s what they make you think. Big Brother is everything, family, friends,
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For instance, there recently has been a case where the Governemnt and Apple have debated over the phone of Syed Rizwan Farook one of the gunmen from the San Bernadino shooting. This case is called PRISM. The question is shouldn’t the government have more control then Apple; a phone company? The answer consists of two parts, yes the government should have more control then a phone company but, the government should not have complete control of peoples personal privacy on their phones that’s where the controversy comes in to place. If we give the government control of our privacy, its one step closer into becoming a totalitarian government. Yet, terrorism is alive and healthy in the world we live in. Recently Apple has been able to find someone who has the power to hack in the phone of Rizwan Farook. This goes to show, you don 't agree with them they’ll go ahead and do it …show more content…
First and foremost there all contradictory. War is torture, Freedom is fading, Ignorance is weakness. But it’s something more. Alexander Light explains “All human beings are in fact “currency slaves” meaning they must work to survive.” When I look around everyone thinks there free but it’s just the opposite. Without doing what the government wants you to do, you will die. So is Freedom really Slavery? And is Ignorance strength? Should we question what are future will look like, or should we just sit back and relax for hell to rise?
After my 16 years of existing 1984 is one of the most remarkable pieces of art. Not only is Orwell dead on accurate with his predictions he shows ignorant humans that 1984 can become a reality and it’s up to the rebels of civilization to stop it from happening. It’s scary to think but if we don’t start believing in what we think is right life as we know it will

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