Studies show that people are more likely to remember more details from their worst day than on their best day. With remembering details from your worst day, when you sad you can self evaluate to ensure things will happen differently if put in that situation again. With these self evaluations you can conclude that many times being quiet could’ve prevented many heated altercations. Being quiet makes you a better listener and growing up many of us were told, “ it is better to listen than to speak” …show more content…
Be Gloomy.” by Susan David, “ placing too high a value on happiness increased their exceptions for how things “ should be” ”. (p. 123). When placing a high expectations on people or things, and these things and people do not meet these expectations you are prone to feel irritated, agitated, or even gloomy. When feeling this way it can be used as an opportunity to learn to not expect too much and to have a passive demeanor. This benefits teenage individuals because most teens dwell on situations for a long time causing severe depression. Having an “ it is what it is” attitude cope with hurtful situations better than ones who sit and dwell on the problem or