Pros & cons of a vegan diet
It’s important to have a balanced diet but that doesn’t mean you have to go vegan in order to do so. In the article “Good vegan bad vegan”, published by the New York Times, written by jane E. Brody. the article it states that in order to have a healthy lifestyle you need a mostly plant based diet. It also states that you don’t have to be hard core vegan but recomends you eat more plant based food than animal based food. In the article “Good Vegan Bad Vegan” the author uses certain words examples and pathos and logos to teach the readers about the pros and cons of veganism.
The author uses the words such as “veganism” and “health”, he talks about veganism changing your health for the better. Another …show more content…
This quote shows that the author is not on anyone’s side, just stating the facts. By him saying this it makes me more trustworthy in him. Along with other quotes such as “ I don't support the abuse of animals” Also showing how open minded he is on the subject. This is a well put together article because he states the pros and cons of both sides.
He states that just by eating more plant based foods than animal based foods will lower the Risk of developing Heart disease. This quote is important because you do not hear this on the vegan side of things. This insured trust in the author because when I personally watched the vegan documentary “what the health” they hid this fact. The author is showing you can be open minded on both sides.
The author’s use of pathos and logos in his article makes him credible. He states that a vegetarian diet vs a vegan diet are both similarly beneficial towards preventing heart diseases. He’s stating facts that the documentary “what the health” purposely avoided, he never criticized them just stated facts. “I have no argument with people adopting a vegan diet”, Personally I respect people take on the challenge of veganism since they have had an animal based diet there whole life. This article helps people form a better understanding on the different forms of eating