Additionally, through the study of ethics, discussions of thinking and reasoning
Additionally, through the study of ethics, discussions of thinking and reasoning
ETHICAL REASONING AND DECISION MAKING A pregnant woman has ante partum haemorrhage due to severe placental abruption. The obstetrician plans for a caesarean section. There is associated intra uterine foetal death. The husband does not want a caesarean section since the fetus is dead.…
Ethics can be defined as the moral principles that dictate a person or groups’ behavior and decisions. Throughout the years, the human race has created a certain code of ethics, that most civilizations live by. When making a decision based on ethics, one must take into consideration all applicable variables that might be affected such as how this decision might benefit some people, and hinder others. Another thing to consider is the long term implications this decision might have. Ethical decision making is exceedingly important because in the long run, it’s what’s gotten our society to where it is today, humans make decisions based on ethics everyday, whether it be what movie to watch, or who to vote for.…
Ethics is important in our daily lives, most of the time ethics are influenced by the people around us. For some people doing the right thing might see as doing wrong. Sometimes is difficult to differentiate situations from right versus wrong. This remind me of how Martin Luther King went to jail for unjust laws, that inverted because of his professional leadership. Therefore it is important to listen carefully and asking the right questions in order to determine the right solution or approach to an issue.…
The main thing that we have to consider in our mind is that, every person has a personal code of ethics, which is shaped by values and attitudes. We develop our personal code of ethics…
“So then, while we have opportunity, let us do well to all people and especially to those who are of the household of the faith” Galatians 6:10 (Dake’s Annontated Reference Bible). As Christians we are faced with making ethical decisions not only about ourselves, but also about others and this is especially important in our business professions. God has taught us that we should treat others with respect and dignity and should treat them, as we would like to be treated. When Christians make ethical decisions they should always consider what God has taught them and should always take each opportunity to make the right decision for not only ourselves but for others. This people paper will distinguish two models for solving ethical problems inside organizations, how ethical decisions are made inside of energy as well as what can be done to install better…
Ethics is very important it concern of the branch of philosophy, ethics, “seeks to understand and determine how human actions can be judged as right or wrong” (, 2018). As human being we make ethical judgement by using our own experience and we also base ethical judgement upon the nature or it also could be the principle of the reason. People who study ethics have a strong believe that ethical decision has be made on the based of theory. The first theory that will be introducing to is consequentialism. Consequentialism is an ethical theory which has, “posit the rightness or wrongness of any action must be viewed in terms of the consequences that the action produces” (, 2018).…
The Mechanics of Ethical Decision Making: Individual versus Organizational This paper will consider the role of the individual in the ethical decision-making process within an organization. I will explain the dynamics which influence the individual’s decision-making. I will provide an overview of the ethical decision-making process. I will compare and contrast the individual vs. the organizational ethical perspectives of decision-making.…
From Socrates to W.D. Ross, ethics are, in essence, the system of fundamental principles of decent human behaviour, which has been theorised, criticised and debated about in civil society for centuries. Ethics is the basis for sufficient moral judgement of an individual to pursue righteous actions that maintain the integrity, well-being and happiness of oneself and others. Act utilitarianism promotes universal hedonism, impartiality and judges the utility of deeds through the calculation of pleasure and pain. Virtue ethics accentuates that proper habituation leads to good ethical and practical reasoning and that virtues are the guidelines to human flourishing and a nurturing society. Ethical theories should consider the entire disposition…
WHEN IN ROME Case Study 2 Alexander Gavin, Senior Project Manager for Kuwait’s EL Sahd Construction Company, is presented with an opportunity and dilemma packaged together in the same proposal. While making a thirty million dollar bid to subcontract a new Iranian project, bid taker Ajax Ltd told him the job was El Sahd’s, if Gavin was willing to pay to play. Ajax’s manager informed Gavin that he would need to increase his company’s bid to $33 million in order to secure the job, with the extra three million dollars being split equally between himself, Gavin, and Ajax’s managing director. Gavin is told not to tell anybody about this and threatened with physical and professional danger if he does. Alexander is informed that this practice is normal business in this country and coupled with the large profit his company stands to make on this deal, Gavin is left with a tough choice to make.…
There are three important factors that can influence ethical decision making, which are individual, organizational, and opportunity factors. All three of these factors can weigh heavily on a person during the decision making process, especially in the work place. Many people look to friends or associates for guidance when making questionable decisions. Sometimes a person may make a decision based on the opportunity they are put into. Some people make decisions based on their own moral beliefs and the way they were raised.…
What would you do if someone came up to you and asked you for money? Would you give them money or say that you don’t have any, although you really do? According to Ann Paulins and Julie L. Hillery (2009) ethics is the act of making moral judgements on a daily basis. It is what we consider to be morally right or wrong. Ethical dilemmas stem from our ability to have options, and sometimes the right decision may not be the easiest or what we want.…
Ethical decision making is a term that refers to the process of evaluating and making alternatives in a consistent with ethical principles. When making ethical decisions, it is necessary for the decision maker to eliminate the unethical options, and to select the best ethical alternative. There are six basic principles to ethical decision making: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity and veracity. Making ethical decisions can sometimes be hard, especially when it comes to situations where it involves culturally diverse populations. Autonomy is the first principle.…
Today’s high-intensity business environment makes it more imperative than ever to incorporate ethics into the business strategy. The complex environment of organizations is challenging the way in which organizations respond to social pressures. In light of this, society has developed rules to guide businesses in their effort to comply with society expectations of what is right or wrong. Studies suggest that organizations must balance their aspirations to make profits along with the high ethical standards required by the social order. As more firms recognize the benefits of cultivating business ethics, a firm’s social responsibility, compliant culture, and moral decision-making can positively affect organizational outcomes and financial performance.…
Over the first 4 weeks of this class we have had many class discussions and readings, which have brought up a great deal of thinking. The class name Organization Ethics and Decision-making, speaks for itself when it comes to the things that can be talked about in this class. Our world is changing each and everyday and you have to stay on top of the way things are. In this reflection essay I will hit on different topics and speak in different ways that ethical decisions and value systems work and how my view and knowledge on these have changed. Each individual will go about making decisions in a way that he or she sees fit based on there beliefs and teaching.…
Ethics is important topic today and it was always - discussion about ethic counts centuries; Aristotle, (384-322 BC) under his famous phrase “We should behave to others as we wish others to behave to us” talked about ethics; even earlier Confucius (551-479 BC) defining one’s behavior in moral perspective as “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.” Looking at present definitions of ethics we can see that they are not far from its ancestors, - “Ethics is … about deciding how we ought to behave with others. It’s about our obligation and right with respect to others” (Gini, 2010, p.738). The role of ethics is important for society because it provides of the basic knowledge and standard. However, concept of ethics, despite of the…