Either way, I can’t help but do a double take when I happen to walk by.
This piece happens to be one of Winnipeg’s oldest and largest murals to this day. Which is a part of the “Artwalls” public art project as well as Leathers’
Martinez, José. “Know Your Graffiti: Art, Vandalism or Gang Device?” Home, 12 Mar. 2012, 12:11pm, www.oncentral.org/news/2012/03/06/know-your-graffiti-art-vandalism-or-gang-device/. Jose Martinez goes over how you can tell the difference between art work and gang tagging. He interviewed an LA police officer and a gang member on how exactly they represent gangs and their territory. Jose also says how gangs tag where people can read it and understand it.…
Discuss the Writer’s Main contention and tone ( in your answer you should identify the type of text, the significance of the author, the context in which the text is created/published, the authors main contention and who they wish to persuade ‘Time To Attack Graffiti’ which was published on January 21st of 2002 and written by Leonie Burke who is the opposition spokesperson for the local Bracks Government and a member of the legislative Assembly for Prahran. This gives gives her the position to try and do something about graffiti and why she thinks it is a problem. She has given her opinion about graffiti and how it’s a major problem to her and the communities. Leonie’s says that after the graffiti is placed on buildings and gets removed, it is then back again.…
The name of the painting is how the arts saved Macon, which was painted by Ms. Betty Edwards’ in 2014. Also, the medium that was used for her extraordinary painting was acrylic paint on canvas, and the scale of this magnificent piece of art was 78” w x 54” h (Edwards’, 2014). Ms. Edwards’ painting caught my attention because of the beauty she displayed of the city of Macon, in addition to the many shades of acrylic paint that she used in her painting and how she captured the many events that take place in Macon.…
The Timken Museum of Art has its roots in the coincidental San Diego Relationship between two sisters, the Misses Anne R. and Amy Putnam, members of the Timken family of the Timken roller bearing treasure, and a local attorney, Walter Ames. The affluent Putnam sisters arrived in San Diego in the early 1900s from Vermont, accompanied by their elderly parents and preceded by a millionaire uncle, Henry Putnam. The two sisters never were married, spent decades obtaining Old Masters. Initial paintings were donated to San Diego s Fine Arts Gallery.…
It is in a fairly wealthy area, and the sculpture is a reminder that they need to care about the marginalized of the society. Since then, other similar casts have been installed near churches in Illinois, Texas, Michigan, Oklahoma, Washington DC, Indiana, New York, Manchester of…
Jennifer Le Arts-1301-85402 It was a rainy Saturday when I went to the Dallas Museum of Art where I first encountered the enormous steel sculpture Ave by Mark Di Suvero, which could be an artwork for commemoration and serves as a recognizable icon for citizens to demonstrate that the building next to it as an art museum. The abstract sculpture rested on the large grassy area where the bright red steel complimented the green grass that stood next to the light gray museum. The contemporary sculpture significantly covers a large portion of the lawn and thus may represent a public figurehead to the building itself. Unfortunately because of the rainy weather, the sculpture garden was closed but I hope to revisit the museum again for that exhibit.…
In her 2006 article “The Trouble with (the Term) Art”, Carolyn Dean argues that the using the word “art” for both past visual expressions (particularly nonwestern) does not quite capture the true definition of what these pieces are. This argument is valid, to consider these works as mere entertainment erases a culture’s true history and identity. Dean has a very strong argument for the analysis and retirement of the term “art”, however the ideas surrounding the concept of “art” explain the larger issue as a whole. Carolyn Dean argues that pinning the recent idea of “art” on nonwestern works does not inform one about the culture, but rather condenses that culture into easily defined novelties.…
The Great Depression was one of the most dreadful era in American history. The nation’s downfall, caused by a series of economic catastrophes and environmental misfortunes, resulted severe nationwide poverty and unemployment. Fortunately, President Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945) introduced the New Deal and established relief agencies to alleviate the disasters the country was facing. One of the largest relief program in the New Deal was the Works Progress Administration (WPA) which generated the New Deal art project, the Federal Art Project (F.A.P). The Federal Art Project is one of the New Deal program that prevailed in forty-eight states and created numerous community art centers, lead art programs, and held art exhibitions that included both…
This sculpture stands out and illustrates a message to anyone who sees it or walks by. It was created in a time of decline for Detroit. It was built at the perfect time because this situation prompted its creation to acknowledge that the city may be struggling, yet not lifeless. The statue suggests that people who live here should be proud, excited, and hopeful for the things going on in the city and what the area offers. This symbol is accepted in the area and people who come to the area accept it.…
Pittsburgh Street Mural My first thought about this mural was security. I associate blankets to the comforts of home. Seeing the hand which looks to be mending the blanket as a sign for “fixing something broken” maybe the community? The colors represent the different types of people within the community.…
On September 5, 2015, I visited the University of Memphis Art Museum. The works on display were by Samuel Hester Crone. Crone was born in Tennessee and grew up in Memphis. Upon reaching adulthood, Crone moved to Munich, Germany to study at the Royal Academy of Fine Art.…
The San Diego Museum of Art has a fascinating and eclectic selection from around the globe. On my tour, a number of pieces caught my eye and really resonated with me. The Coney Island exhibit captured the ambience of America’s playground, bringing observers back to its heyday in the first half of the 20th century. Among the artwork, I took particular note of Wonderland Circus Sideshow, by Edward J. Kelty, owned by Ken Harck.…
Fortunately, upon entering the Dallas Museum of Art on October 11, 2016, I was greeted with quite the opposite. I entered through the side with the large art mural. The mural seemed a beautiful mosaic that reminded me a lot of Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Entering the building I was greeted by a large ascending staircase and…
I had never been to New York before this trip. It was a truly amazing experience in which I learned so much about art, culture, and history. I got to experience places that I have been waiting my whole life to see. Upon reflecting on the study-at-large as a whole, I think the most educational experiences I had were at the Museum of Modern Art, the United Nations, and the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. I was so excited to visit the Museum of Modern Art.…
Throughout this course I have gained more of an appreciation for artwork and the artists that create them. I have also gained an appreciation for the people that try to define what art is in general or more specifically what makes good art. We have read great thinkers and their philosophies on this, and the fact that even people of such great intelligence can disagree on the subject proves how challenging it can be. By reading the opinions of these great thinkers, and by discussing their thought with our class, I feel I am in a much better place as to define what makes good art myself. I define art as anything created by someone that inspires another to appreciation.…