Articulation Approach Paper

Superior Essays
Traditional Articulation Approach:
Evidence Based Practice
Lindsey Cusumano
Harding University

One of my clients for the fall 2015 semester is a 6 year 2 month old Caucasian male with an articulation impairment. He has no other concomitant disorder. He presents with the incorrect productions of /r/ at the syllable level, /l/ in the final position of words in sentences, and /θ/ in the initial position of words in conversation. He was previously diagnosed with a phonological disorder in addition to the articulation diagnosis, but due to progress in therapy, he now precedes with only an articulation disorder. The method of intervention chosen for my client is traditional articulation therapy. This approach has proven well for
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Pieretti, Kaul, Zarachy, and O’Hanlon (2015) conducted a study in which they compared traditional articulation therapy with a multimodal approach using two four-year-old children. Pieretti et al., (2015) used an ABCA research design. The traditional approach used in this study involves motor learning with tactile cues. Traditional articulation therapy is not often unimodal and it involves a combination of auditory modeling with feedback, working with the articulators, and visual cues through clinician modeling. Secord, Boyce, Donahue, Fox, and Shine (as cited in Pieretti et al., 2015). Pieretti et al., (2015) used traditional therapy as a means of providing tactile cues for phonetic placement and auditory stimulation in isolation, syllables, etc. Pieretti et al., (2015) concluded that the multimodal approach, FONEMZ, pronounced like the word phonemes, tends to be more effective than traditional therapy. FONEMZ was designed to facilitate speech sound improvement in a phonological environment, however, due to the study’s ABCA design; it is not easy to conclude that FONEMZ alone resulted in success in therapy (Pieretti et al., 2015). Traditional therapy has the strong potential of positively influencing the results of the study leading to its effectiveness in …show more content…
Lipetz and Bernhardt (2013) divided the study into two phases. The first phase used ultrasound imagery to provide an understanding of articulatory setting (AS). The next phase involved the traditional articulation approach to target phonemes such as /s/, /z/, /ʃ/ and /ʧ/. According to Lipetz and Bernhardt (2013) the traditional articulation approach utilizes the motor aspects of articulation. The clinician often increases the demand for the highest percentage of the targeted phoneme. The clinician first starts with sounds in isolation, syllables, single words, sentences, and spontaneous speech. Van Riper and Emmerick (as cited in Kamhi, 2005) also described this vertical attack strategy. Traditional articulation therapy has often been used with other methods and has proven to be effective for some clients, Baker (as cited in Lipetz and Bernhardt, 2013). The results of the study indicate that the client’s frontal lisp displayed more improvement after traditional therapy with visual feedback over a four-week period. Overall, Lipetz and Bernhardt (2013) concluded that direct training is more effective than

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