In May 2003, Kristine A. Biorn dissertation of Master’s thesis Art therapy benefits and connections to art education includes that art education may be use as therapy. For some people who have high stress level and anxiety before taking an exam; an art class can reduce stress leave. Art can help a person mental ability. Pedagogy is the function or working of a teacher; teaching. —the art or science of teaching; education; instructional methods.…
Individuals who use art therapy have the ability…
In her 2006 article “The Trouble with (the Term) Art”, Carolyn Dean argues that the using the word “art” for both past visual expressions (particularly nonwestern) does not quite capture the true definition of what these pieces are. This argument is valid, to consider these works as mere entertainment erases a culture’s true history and identity. Dean has a very strong argument for the analysis and retirement of the term “art”, however the ideas surrounding the concept of “art” explain the larger issue as a whole. Carolyn Dean argues that pinning the recent idea of “art” on nonwestern works does not inform one about the culture, but rather condenses that culture into easily defined novelties.…
Though I ascribe to and am most comfortable in psychotherapy, my training is equal and I realize the importance of integrating all approaches, according to what the client requires at any point in time, for the best outcome of the client. This includes the integrative approach of imagination in mental and physical health, as Shaun McNiff represents, for the person-centered approach of positive psychology (Rubin, 2001). I am one of the art psychotherapists that is working on the wellness coaching certificate specifically because of the stigma of my profession. Art therapy itself, is a little understood area that is constantly, incorrectly lumped in with recreational and music therapy. I work with individuals on their life paths and goals, and empower them with the knowledge that they have the ability to work through problems to…
Each level exists on a continuum from left-hemispheric brain function, which is organized, sequential, and linear, to right-hemispheric brain function, which is emotional and spiritual in nature. The Kinesthetic, Perceptual and Cognitive components are predominantly located in the left-brain and the Sensory, Affective, and Symbolic components are predominantly located in the right-brain. The highest level of the ETC is the Creative level which can actually manifest at any of the functional levels below it. The Creative level addresses the integrative function (Hinz, 2009).…
Active imagination relies on artwork to enlighten the unconscious. Jung would ask patients to draw and encouraged personal expression at a certain stage of development by brush, pencil or pen. Play Therapy: Drawings Counsellors implementing a Jungian approach to therapy use many techniques, one of which is the use of drawing. Drawing has become increasingly implemented during play therapy in particular.…
A well known and relatively simple way to express oneself is to make art. Whether it be through painting, writing, music, singing and really anything one could imagine. Art therapy is also a common type of therapy. Expressive art therapy is the use of creative arts as a form of therapy and is a…
Accelerated Resolution Therapy, also known as ART, is a brief exposure-based psychological treatment therapy. ART uses visualization techniques as well as a “directive approach that reduces physical and emotional reactions to distressing memories and images stored in the brain” ("SAMHSA," 2015). ART is intended to treat such disorders as, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias ("SAMHSA," 2015). Since 2011, ART an adult based program and has been utilized in community-based programs, as well as private practice and military situations. ART has been successful in treating depression and depression symptoms as well as diminishing trauma and stress-related issues.…
Yearwork one The influence of Zanele Muholi’s techniques, concepts and subject matter in her “La Rochelle” series and “Miss D'vine” series on my work: “Flowers in (my) hair” Conceptualization: Like in Muholi’s La Rochelle series (figs.2, 3, 4), my artwork Flowers in (my) hair (fig.1) tackles gender norms- mainly toxic masculinity . The camel in the image is my representation of man and focuses on changing the idea that to be a man you must be tough.…
Paint for Your Thoughts: Art Therapy & Dementia Taylor Thompson Florida Gulf Coast University Abstract This research paper consists of talking about how art therapy affects a patient with dementia. Causes of dementia and different types are first discussed, also how dementia comes about. Brief descriptions of the different types of dementia are discussed and why dementia occurs as well.…
The woman had sessions twice a week where she would work on drawing basic objects, different techniques with drawing, and creating objects with clay. At the end of her rehabilitation it was shown that she had improved “in all areas of cognitive function.” In conclusion, the research indicates that art therapy can be very beneficial to the patient and in some cases it is more useful than other therapies that rely on verbal communication. Art therapy gives another way to communicate the patient’s feelings and thoughts in addition to the…
My family and my friends are incredible support me when I shared my thought to study the course of the expressive arts therapy. They encourage and pursue me to do what you love and what you want. They agreed that I found the right way to study and develop as a career for the rest of my life. They think I am a person who is full of passion in arts as well as its integrated arts as a healing tool for people in the community. In addition, one of my sisters who are a pharmacist, she is responsible for the education part in the hospital and the other sister who is a social worker for the elderly service.…
When I was accepted to San Jose State University (SJSU) I intended to pursue a career in art therapy with a focus in child development. I always had an aptitude for art and I wanted to incorporate that into a career that allowed me to help people. I took classes, such as Child Psychology, Psychology of the Adolescent, Chad, Multicultural Art/Children, etc., in order to pursue a career in that field. Additionally, I began working at elementary schools, such as Carden Day School, Monroe Middle School, Sherman Oaks, etc., in order to gain some experience working with youth.…
Art therapy is helpful in many different ways for example, it is the therapeutic use of making art which helps people that experience illness or depression (“What is Art Therapy?”). People do not have to have an art therapist to get the benefits,…
Susan Hogan, an art therapist and author of the article, participated in an art therapy session. “Participating in the group reminded me of the power and poignancy of the art therapy process which yields the possibility for the articulation of powerful embodied feelings and responses which cannot necessarily be experienced or evoked through a verbal exchange alone (Hogan and Pink 2010:159)”. This information helps motivate me to continue this career path. Individuals from certain backgrounds may have difficulty expressing themselves through words and may need me to help them therapeutically through art. As well as I need to be understanding that art therapy may not be the best form of help for…