Arm Race Research Paper

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The big war that was call the arm race was going on for a long period. In the arm race is bombs fight, revenges, and making superpower weapon.

Back in the Arm race war every country was going against each other trying to declare the war. As the war was going on, some country was building bomb, and big weapon. Then the U.S decide to make a bomb to drop on japan to end them off in the war with them. In 1941 the U.S. was on pearl harbor, then Jjapan sent air force strike on the harbor, and kill lot’s mean. Then the U.S made a another weapon, and call it the superpower to make the japanese surrender.

The Jjapan surrender, because the first bomb destroyed millions of people in japan. Then the cold started by other country, like the soviet union, U.S.A, Japan, Germany, and Russia. Then the soviet union, and U.S. was against each other, and that how the arm race was made up. In 1962 the soviet union was caught by the U.S sneaking a bomb in cuba. The U.S
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In the mid 1950s it was generally accepted that in a nuclear war the concept of a victory was ludicrous.Then the third major naval arms race, involving the U.S, Britain, and Japan, had erupted at the end of WWll. Then the leads and lags in an arm race against a background of a hegemonic struggle characterize the cold war as well. Also the arm race, arm control, and the history of cold war, by Patrick Glynn. Then do to the arm race with each improvement in the prey defense, such as better armor or speed. They may also be assuming a tight coevolutionary link between predator and prey. Then the whelk could be locked in an arm race with an enemy, and thus evolve to grow larger or

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