The Pros And Cons Of Enhanced Interrogation

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Strained positions for long hours, sleep deprivation and waterboarding, with the occasional punch or slap, may sound worth it in order to save thousands of innocent Americans lives from the ongoing war of terror. It is a known fact that the American government used the term “enhanced interrogation” loosely in order to cover up their questionable actions to get any little piece of information about any terrorist motives with torture. Enhanced interrogation has been described as systematic torture in order to obtain potential terrorist information. Even though the CIA get their information, the process behind on how they got it always remains confidential only for the government. Because of the confidentiality this causes a problem to the public and foreign relations. The American government has already stated …show more content…
The program of enhanced interrogation was approved under the Bush administration in 2002 after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. During the time of these series of attacks on the United States, the country was sent into a frenzy about the security of the country as as well as trying to find out why this had happened. When the CIA proposed the idea of enhanced interrogation, the idea was presented in such a way that it was shown that enhanced interrogation was not harmful in the long run and could provide information that was “unique”, “otherwise unavailable” and “largely responsible for preventing a subsequent attack within the United States” as stated MEMORANDUM FOR JOHN A. RIZZO SENIOR DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. The CIA had misled the White House in what some of the techniques they were using behind closed doors. Even though the CIA included waterboarding as one of the techniques in the US Army Field Manual on Interrogation. The effectiveness of this technique has shown little positive responses in getting new and relevant

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